Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI)
Simmons College, Boston
July 10-15, 2011
Simmons College, Boston
July 10-15, 2011
Index Amelia Abreu Amelia Acker Dharma Akmon Kim Anderson Karen Anderson Denise Anthony Heather Barnes Jeanette Bastian Snowden Becker Ed Benoit Joel Blanco-Rivera Svanhildur Bogadottir Erik Borglund Heather Bowden Sarah Buchanan Ellen-Rae Cachola Bernadette Callery Andre Carter Michelle Caswell Janet Ceja Melissa Chalmers Mary Choquette Patti Condon Paul Conway Richard Cox Brian Cumer Amber Cushing Morgan Daniels Devan Ray Donaldson Lorrie Dong Jonathan Dorey Wendy Duff Joanne Evans Alexandra Eveleigh Nisa Fachry Shannon Faulkhead Kathleen Fear AndrewFlinn Pat Franks Pat Galloway Leisa Gibbons Anne Gilliland Karen Gracy Amy Greer Melvin Hale Carolyn Hank Ross Harvey Laura Helton Luciana Heymann Richard Hollinger Dalena Hunter Asher Jackson Trond Jacobsen Minji Jo Eric Ketelaar Sarah Kim David Kim Allison Krebs Adam Kriesberg Alison Langmead Andrew Lau Kenneth Lavender Bridget Lawlor Cal Lee Noah Lenstra Virginia Luehrsen Jennifer Marshall Nora Mattern Lindsay Mattock Sue McKemmish Joanne Mihelcic Angela Murillo Meung-Hoan Noh Erik Nordberg April Norris Richard Pearce-Moses Liladhar Pendse Alexander Poole Ricardo Punzalan Sarah Ramdeen Hea Lim Rhee George Royer Göran Samuelsson Anthea Seles Rebecka Sheffield Donghee Sinn Heather Soyka Joanna Steele Sung Su Park Josh Sternfeld Tonia Sutherland Proscovia Svard Helen Tibbo Frank Upward Michael Wartenbe Kelvin White Eliot Wilczek Mirna Willer Kathy Wisser Vivian Wong Peter Wosh Beth Yakel Ayoung Yoon Eunha (Anna) Youn Jane Zhang Hong Zhang |
Participant Biographies and
Research Interests Amelia Abreu, University of Washington Having worked as an archivist and librarian prior to starting the PhD, my work brings practical concerns of libraries, archives, and museums to the critical study of documents in the digital world. Through my work, I hope to enrich the theoretical discourse of cultural institutions and illuminate their processes to an interdisciplinary community. Participating in the 2009 Institute, I was able to develop my research and teaching agendas in a supportive and dynamic community. I am dedicated to my research in this area, but also in helping to implement the next generation of archival curriculum. In my teaching, I emphasize a socially-aware, and democratically-minded, perspective on the practice of archives. My goal is to create a collaborative environment with my teaching and research that allows students to take seriously and learn from their own perspectives as well as their peers. Promoting diversity and social engagement in Information Studies is crucial to the future of the field, and is one of my key priorities. In my time at UW, I have held fellowships from the Institute Public Humanities and the HASTAC Scholars program, working within these interdisciplinary environments to develop public engaged research. I have also worked for the Washington Doctoral Initiative, a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services dedicated to recruiting LIS doctoral students from underrepresented backgrounds and developing a comprehensive mentoring program. Prior to entering the doctoral program in 2007, I worked professionally as an archivist and academic librarian. I hold an MSIS from the University of Texas- Austin. Amelia Acker, UCLA I study the nature, sources, and limits of records. My work is concerned with the cultural significance of shifting understandings of information and the ways records are transmitted over time. Currently, I research the significance of non-persistent and asynchronous records created with mobile phones. How will mobile computing records and structures become settled, stabilized, and transmitted? How does existing archival theory and practice shape how we approach records created with mobile computing devices? I will answer these questions in my dissertation research by describing, analyzing and interpreting mobile computing practices that generate records, including: text messages, media messages, instant messages, and GPS coordinates. Before beginning the PhD with program at UCLA, I worked as the Ralph J. Bunche Collection archivist at the Department of Special Collections, Young Research Library. My research interests include: mobile social technologies; participatory culture; digital archives; cultural informatics; theories of documentation; critical information theory; digital humanities tools; privacy and access practices in archives; oral history methods; and archival education and training in United States. Dharma Akmon, University of Michigan I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Michigan where I focus on the long-term accessibility of digital materials. I am increasingly interested in taking a broad view of archives and archiving practices that looks beyond just the activities of professional archivists and traditional archiving institutions. Without negating the importance of the role of professionals in ensuring the long-term viability of materials of enduring value, I aim to explore, in particular, the way in which scientists' routine practices influence the preservation and reuse of data. In my dissertation (currently at the proposal stage) I plan to examine how scientists select and prepare data for preservation. Prior to starting my doctoral studies I worked as an interface specialist at JSTOR and as a project manager on a large-scale digitization project. Kim Anderson, UCLA I received my MLIS from UCLA in 2007 and continued into the PhD program at UCLA where I am now completing the program. Prior to graduate school, I worked as a practitioner in university archives, law libraries, and special collections with a focus on photograph collections and departmental records. My chief interests are appraisal (both conceptually and historically) and the knowledge and skills of archivists. I am particularly interested in the Archive and the personal: the subjectivities of archivists as individuals, and the role of appraisal and selection in the transformation from individual lives to historical subjects. My dissertation research hypothesizes that archival appraisal is learned through social interaction, broadly defined. I am currently using multiple methods to model these social relationships and to identify factors significant to appraisal learning amongst North American college and university archivists. Karen Anderson, Mid Sweden University Dr. Karen Anderson is Professor of Archives and Information Science at Mid Sweden University, Professor II at Oslo University College and Adjunct Professor at Edith Cowan University of Western Australia, where she worked until 2007. She is a Fellow of the Australian Society of Archivists, an Editor-in-Chief for Archival Science and a member of the Editorial Board of Archives and Manuscripts. She was President of the international Council on Archives’ Section for Archival Educators and Trainers from 2000-2004 and is currently a Vice President as well as a member of the ICA’s Programme Commission. She is currently leading an international consortium of European archival education institutions in developing a 2-week EU Erasmus Intensive Program: Archives and Records Challenges in the Digital Information Society (ARCHIDIS) for Master and PhD students around the theme Archives and Social Memory, to be held in Marburg, Germany in August 2011. Her research interests include information management and recordkeeping systems in the digital environment. She is particularly interested in advancing standards of professional practice through education and training for the community of records managers and archivists and in fostering a scholarly approach to professional education. She has extensive experience in developing e-learning courses and teaching online and is currently working with colleagues at Mid Sweden University and Simmons College to develop shared Digital Laboratory facilities for e-learners. The aim is to build a stimulating learning environment that will promote independent learning and allow students to experience simulated workflows and solve problems commonly encountered in the professional work environment using archives and records management software applications. Denise Anthony, University of Denver I have a MLIS and PhD from the University of Michigan and am currently an assistant professor in the Library and Information Science Program, Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver. Although I am lead faculty for archives, records management and special collections courses are curriculum, I teach a number of other courses in the program as well. Based on my professional and teaching experience, collaboration with my colleagues who have strong library focused backgrounds and interactions with students, I believe, libraries, archives and museums intersect on many levels and I try to bring this integrated approach to my teaching. I also believe practical experience provides an understanding students cannot get through coursework alone, so I incorporate service learning into my classes through a number of community management projects in the Denver area. My current research is based on my observations regarding the intersection of library and archives skills and knowledge and the need to rewrite our existing curriculum. I am evaluating 200+ current job titles, institution type and the listen requirements for each to determine if and where they intersect. Heather Barnes, UNC Chapel Hill I am a first-year doctoral student and a DigCCurr (Digital Curation Curriculum) Fellow at UNC Chapel Hill, working on the DigCCurr project with Dr Helen Tibbo. My research interests focus primarily on moving image archiving, filmmakers, digital curation education, and digital archives. I received a BA in sociology from Smith College in 1997, and worked for several years in information technology, publishing, and research prior to returning to an academic program. I received my MSLS from UNC Chapel Hill in 2008., and while a graduate student I worked for on-campus libraries and archives. I particularly enjoyed my work on the Folkstreams project, a grant-funded program to identify and archive at-risk documentary films on a variety of American studies and folklore topics. I also enjoyed working as an intern at Duke University’s Archive of Documentary Arts, where I assisted the Visual Arts Archivist with a variety of project tasks in the photography collections. As a moving image research assistant at UNC, I worked for two semesters with the moving image archivist, inventorying collections and researching best practices in film and video preservation. As a PhD-level instructor, and eventually as a faculty member (post-graduation), I hope to focus on teaching archives and records management skills, particularly in the underserved areas of audiovisual archiving. I also enjoy writing, and hope to find editorial and service opportunities in journals that serve the archives and library community. Jeanette Bastian Bio not available at the moment. Snowden Becker, University of Texas at Austin I am a doctoral candidate in the School of Information at the University of Texas, Austin. I received a BFA in Printmaking from the Maryland Institute, College of Art in 1996 and an MLIS degree from UCLA’s Graduate School of Education & Information Studies in 2001. My ongoing research work investigates how audiovisual materials, especially amateur recordings, are integrated into our cultural heritage. I have written and presented on the use of home movies by the medical community in studies of autism and schizophrenia; the collector’s market for home movies and its implications for archives; preservation, legal, and access issues archivists encounter in collecting amateur films; and the increasing need for law enforcement agencies to preserve large quantities of audiovisual materials along with other physical evidence in criminal cases. My dissertation research focuses on the last of these interests, exploring the archival nature of the evidence room and the people and processes involved in the long-term management of evidence in changing formats. I strongly believe that a 21st century archival education should prepare new members of the field to manage a historical record that has been accruing mechanical, electronic, digital, and visual components for well over a century. The burden of preservation and awareness of the need for active intervention to keep contemporary records accessible for the long term are issues the archival community must also work at sharing with a broader public through outreach, education, and access initiatives. Ed Benoit, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Throughout my post-secondary education, I focused on non-traditional source materials in both historical research and archival concerns. For both my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in history, I analyzed non-textual materials, such as photographs and moving images, and extended this passion into my Master of Library and Information Science and Ph.D. programs through studying digital preservation and digital collections. My professional background echoes my academic life, as I worked with audio and visual materials at both the Milwaukee Art Museum and the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum. Additionally, my experiences at the Waukesha County Historical Society and Museum focused on the reappraisal of the cartography collection. Prior to entering the doctoral program, my research covered a wide array of topics including: Milwaukee socialism, a case study of photography as primary sources, and representations of progress seen at the 1893 and 1933 World’s Fairs. The doctoral program, however, focused my research agenda. At the broadest level, I explore methods of increasing access and use of information with an emphasis on its discoverability. Within this area, I focus on digital collections including libraries, archives, and museums. Finally, my current research investigates the use of social tagging and collaborative indexing within digital collections as a method to increase access and use of those collections. Based on this agenda, my current research includes an exploration of the impact of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act on digital preservation, the potential benefits of social tagging within digital archives, and the perceptions of social tagging by digital librarians and archivists. Professional education requires the mastery of both theoretical and applied techniques; therefore, my teaching philosophy is built upon a constructivist and apprenticeship learning styles. Although no course can completely avoid instructive teaching, the best method provides a theoretical foundation while allowing students to expand their understanding through real world applications. Students gain both experience and the problem solving tools for future issues. Furthermore, students establish the concrete professional skills needed for employment. Joel Blanco-Rivera, University of Pittsburgh I have a MSI with specialization in archives and records management from the University of Michigan School of Information (2003). After finishing my degree, I went back to Puerto Rico where I worked at the Archivo General de Puerto Rico. I also worked as a librarian at the Ana G. Mendez University System. From 2004 to 2005 I was an instructor at the Escuela Graduada de Ciencias y Tecnologías de la Información, located at the University of Puerto Rico, where I taught courses for the certificate in archives and records management. This excellent teaching experience, along with my strong believe that the role of archives and archivists in society is intrinsically linked to accountability and justice led me to pursue a doctoral degree. My research objectives and scholarship philosophy are framed around this believe. I am particularly interested in the role played by archives and archivists during the transitions from authoritarian rule and civil wars in Latin America. More specifically, I’m interested in how records creation, use, destruction and/or access restrictions shape how Latin American reckons with legacies of human rights abuses. Specifically, I have studied the work of truth commissions and the use of records as evidence in trials against military officers and former presidents. My current dissertation research examines the work of the National Security Archive, with particular attention to the Archive’s collaboration to request and obtain U.S. declassified documents about human rights abuses in Latin America. In 2005, my paper “The Forbidden Files: Creation and Use of Surveillance Files against the Independence Movement in Puerto Rico” was published at the American Archivist (vol. 68, no. 2). Another research paper, “Truth Commissions and the Construction of Collective Memory: The Chile Experience”, is part of the book Community Archives: The Shaping of Memory (London: Facet Pub., 2009), edited by Jeannette A. Bastian and Ben Alexander. As a Teaching Assistant and Teaching Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh, I have been able to apply my teaching philosophy, which is based on the principle that students learn in an environment of trust and sincere dialogue. Therefore, students are encouraged to contribute to the discussion and share ideas with the instructor. Furthermore, it is important to include past and current developments in the archival profession that help students understand better and compare/contrast theory and practice. I have been able to apply this ideas in the courses I have taught at Pitt, and particularly the one I created and have offered since the summer of 2009: An International Perspective on Archives. Svanhildur Bogadottir, University of Iceland My name is Svanhildur Bogadottir. I graduated from NYU with MA in history and certificate in archival management. I have a second master MBA from the University of the Hague in the Netherlands. I have worked as director of the Reykjavik Municipalities for over 20 years. The Reykjavik Archives advices the institutions of the city on records management, preserves the older documents of the city, gives access to them, as well as receiving private collections from individuals, societies and companies. I have given various courses and presentations in Iceland and abroad about marketing archives, user studies, records management, women archives and about my archives of course. I started the research on my topic about 15 years ago, when I discovered that only about 10% of private collections of individuals in archives in Iceland are from women, but 90% from men. It was however only two years ago, that I decided it was time to repeat my research and do it more formally and present it in a Ph.D. thesis. The objectives of my research is to find out why women deliver the archives of their fathers and husbands, but not their own. Also do find out if the archivists are bias towards the importance of archives of woman and act as gatekeepers to the archives. I want to understand better women’s collections and why they are not coming to the archives. I think this is important social question and also that the history of women is preserved. I hope to use my results to encourage archives to change their collection policy, towards women, children and minority groups. It is the role of the archives to preserve wholesome collections about the society. Part of the research is looking at the collection policy of the archives or rather the lack of policy and how the sources available for women history and research of women is often based on bias decisions and coincidence, rather than strategy. I will also look into the difference between women and men’s collections, if it is true that women’s collections are more sensitive and personal. My research consists mainly of interviews with archivists and retired archivists, as well as women focus groups why women are not coming to the archives with their collections. I will also analyze finding aids of personal archives in the main archives in Iceland both men and women, them to see patterns in the collections coming from women and men. Erik Borglund, Mid Sweden University Erik Borglund has a 20 years experience as a police officer, and has been working in various departments within the Swedish police. He finished his master degree in information systems in 2004, and directly afterwards he was began his PhD studies. His PhD was about design implications on information systems involved in the recordkeeping process. He defended his thesis in 2008, and has since 2008 been affiliated with Mid Sweden University where he since 2009 holds a full time position as senior lecturer in archives and information science. Erik Borglund’s research interest is mainly in the area of digital records, and he is especially interested in design aspects of records management systems, and other information systems in which records are born and managed. Erik Borglund has with his background as police officer studied the operational and tactical use of records both digital and analogue within the Swedish police. Current is Erik Borglund involved in two research projects, where he has a focus on records use and records creation during large police operations and during management of large-scale crisis where more than one actor is involved (e.g. the police, the fire brigade, the medical service etc.). Erik Borglund has a research background from a traditional Scandinavian Information systems research tradition, where technology is studied in the context where it is used. The Scandinavian Information systems research tradition has always focused on the intertwined mix of users and technology. The Scandinavian Information Systems research tradition also include to carry out mostly interpretative qualitative studies, which Erik Borglund has been doing since 2003. Erik Borglund is very interested in distance education, and the challenge of how to be able to teach the practical parts of the work an archivist and a records manager carries out, in a distance educational setting. The use of computer laboratories, online lecturers, recorded lectures, are examples of technologies tested and used to increase the quality of teaching. Heather Bowden, UNC Chapel Hill Heather Bowden is a Carolina Digital Curation Doctoral Fellow at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Denver, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from New Mexico State University. She has spent substantial portions of her adult life working in libraries during which she has worked on special collections and archives projects where she digitized and created EADs, metadata files, and XML pages for hundreds of photographs, rosters, yearbooks, and other archival materials. Consequently, her primary research interests revolve around the challenges associated with the long-term management of digital collections, and she hopes to help make this process easier and more sustainable for archivists in the future. Her teaching interests are centered similarly on digital curation and the archival and technical principals on which digital curation is based. Ms. Bowden’s specific research interests in digital curation hinge on the issues revolving around media and file format obsolescence or, “endangerment.” She had conducted preliminary research to assess the needs of digital collection managers in order to direct the development of a socially informed file format endangerment notification system based on early warning systems used in epidemiology. She is currently developing a metric for file format endangerment levels that will be operationalized by collecting and assessing online data mining sources and social network input. Her associated general research interests are summed up as the: • Examination of barriers to the sustainable management of digital materials • Development of resources, tools, and systems for the long-term management of digital collections • Exploration and continued development of measures for the adoption of technology and motivation in online social network participation In addition to her own research, she is the project manager of the Closing the Digital Curation Gap (CDCG) project, a joint initiative between the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), The Digital Curation Center (DCC), and the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). As part of the CDCG initiative, Ms. Bowden was involved in conducting focus groups on the digital curation practices of libraries, archives, and museums, and is currently involved in developing more in-depth case studies in this area. The data collected from these studies is being applied to the development of tools and resources for digital curation practitioners. As part of her work with the CDCG and (previously) DigCCurr II projects, Ms. Bowden conceived of and developed the Digital Curation Exchange website (digitalcurationexchange.org). She built this website using the Drupal open-source content management software, and designed it to serve as a space to share ideas and information related to digital curation learning, practice, research and teaching. Ms. Bowden has served as a teaching assistant for Dr. Cal Lee’s Understanding Information Technology for Managing Digital Collections and has interest in teaching Digital Preservation and Access, Digital Forensics, Intro to Archives, Archival Appraisal, and Human Computer Interaction. Sarah Buchanan, The Meadows School I have an academic and professional background in archives and the study of history. I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania where my thesis examined literary sources as documentation of the classical world. My interest in the (digital) humanities and archives was further developed as I studied archives at the University of California, Los Angeles, where I received my M.L.I.S. and wrote my thesis on student records management in paper and digital form. I am especially interested in the history of archives and of information science as seen through organizations of people and ideas. I am currently a practicing school archivist, teacher, and a community archivist working with the nonprofit Neon Museum to assess and document a singular collection of historic signs from the past century in Las Vegas. I have worked previously as an archivist and metadata specialist, and have presented my work in writing and at SAA. My current research interests center around archival documentation of provenance, both the technical and narrative descriptions of cultural objects. I am interested in adapting archival description for the unique characteristics of non-print materials, and narrating the untold histories of these objects and their context through research. Ellen-Rae Cachola, UCLA I bring academic training from Political Science and Cultural Anthropology into Archival Studies. My interest is in cross-cultural and decolonial understandings of archival theory and practice. A project that I am currently work on is the study of provenance, evidence and inter-relational dynamics about the postcolonial archive. I am interested in theories of multiple and parallel provenance, and how orality, landscape, architecture, body and body-memory can be arranged and re-arranged as evidentiary records to point to multiple paradigms of time, history and epistemology within and outside of the archive. I situate my research on the study of Filipino diasporic memory through postcolonial and indigenous frameworks of history and culture, in order to design provenance upon which the evidence of migrant people can create decolonial historical meanings in diasporic contexts that are also homes of indigenous and other diasporic peoples. My sites of study include Vigan (Ilocos Sur), Wailuku (Maui), San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles (California). These sites are interconnected because of layered imperialisms, particularly Spanish and American, intermixed with indigenous and postcolonial migrant cultures. Imperialisms imposed particular kinds of land-based provenance, ideologies and societal orderings (facilitated by information systems) that colonized peoples. To expand the concept of provenance to include societal ordering can help create new forms of archival theories and systems designs that take into account the dynamic, multicultural, globalized present. My research methodologies and frameworks include interviews, performance ethnography, actor-network theory, and postcolonial historiography. My research philosophy foregrounds decolonization. This means studying the power dynamics that enabled archives to be technologies of colonialism. Theories and frameworks that I am drawing from to analyze archives in this way are postcolonial historiography, indigenous philosophies on identity, multiple and parallel provenance, recordkeeping continuum and social diplomatics. My research is place based. That is, I focus on particular collections within archives of a particular place, and how they say something about the history of development upon that place. Through these kinds of inquiries, my goal is to then develop archival theories and practices that support decolonization. By analyzing the structure, function, content and provenance of archives, how can we study power dynamics within their operational effects? From there, what are other records, evidences, inter-relationships, and provenances that could be studied, related to the archive, to design liberatory operational effects in archival practice? I define liberatory through postcolonial studies and indigenous studies theories on colonialism, knowledge production and subjectivity. What are ways to design archival structures and functional relations across evidence and stakeholders that are based on different regimes of truth, but do not reproduce colonialisms by subsuming difference? Bernadette Callery, University of Pittsburgh My current approach to graduate teaching is grounded in over 30 years of experience as a librarian and archivist, working primarily in the special collections environments within research natural history institutions. Having served the collections, staff and users at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, the New York Botanical Garden and the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, I frequently draw on these experiences to provide an insider’s look at a specific institutional culture and the recordkeeping systems that document that culture. Indulging my antiquarian interest, I also teach a course in the history of books, printing and publishing, typically in the same term as the Digital Preservation course, a pairing which stimulates considerations of how our views of the preservation of digital formats are influenced by our approach to the preservation of analog formats. Further discussion of the relationship between the original analog photograph and its digital copy, including measures of the authenticity of digital surrogates, will take place during a doctoral seminar offered this summer. In this, we will examine the literature of reading photographs, and discuss the attempts to identify the distinguishing elements of information about the images, their formats and their contexts, and investigate the range of solutions posed to the problems of associating descriptive metadata with these non-textual records. My research interests are primarily in the analysis of institutional recordkeeping systems, particularly as they move from paper-based legacy systems to electronic ones. Andre Carter, UCLA I am in the writing stage of the Information Studies PhD programme at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at University of California, Los Angeles. I have a BA (General Linguistics, Syntax; Honours, Social Linguistics) from the University of California, Berkeley. My related professional background includes work in museum intuitions, and libraries (academic and arts). My research interests include, conceptual records, records creation for deep-time information transmission, alternative recording formats, and conceptions of archives and archivists in science-fiction media. My doctoral research regards the human body as both a sight of records creation, and as a conceptual tool to examine notions of recordness within archival literature. Focusing on contemporary tattoos as the object of research, I examine how corporeal-type records can disrupt/augment traditional understandings of records creation, ownership, and preservation. My goal as a professor is to utilize complex relationships within the archival community in order to create a rich curriculum founded on the union of theory and practice. Michelle Caswell, University of Wisconsin - Madison Michelle Caswell is a doctoral student at the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a recipient of an IMLS Building the Future of Archival Education Doctoral Fellowship. Her interests include archival theory; international preservation partnerships; the politics of accountability, ownership and access; and the collective memory of violence. She is currently working on a dissertation that investigates the relationship between archives, genocide, and justice in Cambodia. This dissertation explores both how the Khmer Rouge used records to systematize mass murder and how those same records are being used in efforts to achieve justice and shape collective memory. She is also the co-founder of the South Asian American Digital Archive (http://www.saadigitalarchive.org/), an online repository which documents and provides access to the stories of South Asian Americans. She holds a BA in religion from Columbia University, an MA in world religions from Harvard University, and an MLIS with an archives concentration from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her articles have appeared in Archival Science, Archivaria, American Archivist, and Libri. Janet Ceja, University of Pittsburgh I am a doctoral student in the Library and Information Science program at the University of Pittsburgh iSchool. I entered Library and Information Science with an interest in moving image archives and currently, I am working on research that focuses on understanding the synergy between a religious fiesta in a small town in Mexico as a celebration and as video documentary records of it made by local videographers. I am interested in how the cultural and social practices of members of the town preserve the tradition through its production as a celebration and as documentaries that circulate within a transnational environment. My teaching philosophy is guided by Paulo Freire’s concept of pedagogy, which fosters diological practice through epistemological curiosity—a relational process of learning, knowing, and listening that also bring to my scholarship with the people that I work with and study to co-produce new knowledge. Melissa Chalmers, University of Michigan I am an incoming first year PhD student at the University of Michigan School of Information, where I am currently in the MSI program specializing in Preservation of Information. I have recently begun working as a research assistant for Paul Conway, who is also my advisor, on a project concerned with validating quality in large-scale digitization within the context of specific use-cases. As a student in the MSI program, I have also worked as a research assistant on several projects related to information use and reuse in communities. Most recently I’ve been working on a project studying the sharing and use of engineering research across industry and academic communities. I also supported a project exploring ways to deliver more effective digital tools to researchers in science and engineering in order to improve their analysis, sharing and understanding of data. Broadly speaking, my research interests are in digital archives and digital preservation. I am also very interested in digital humanities, in both the production and preservation of new forms of knowledge in the humanities. Digital technologies, tools and media will continue to have a significant influence on the production and dissemination of knowledge, and these features of a technology-mediated culture will undoubtedly impact both the form and content of digital archives. I am interested in the new challenges that digital objects and collections pose for long-term management and preservation. This includes the changing nature of records in our technology-mediated culture, and more generally issues of information representation. I am particularly interested in the relationship between preservation and access, and the ways in which creators and users assess authority and reliability in their engagement with digital records or collections. My interest in and approach to archives have been shaped by a longstanding investment in interdisciplinary humanities and social sciences. I received a BA in social anthropology from the University of Michigan, and I completed an MA in cultural studies from the University of London, Goldsmiths College. From cultural studies I bring to my doctoral studies an enthusiasm for complexity and emergent form as well as an attention to interdisciplinary questions about the contingencies of knowledge, of what can be known and who has access to it, and of the relationship between form and content. Mary Choquette, University of Maryland Bio not available at the moment. Patti Condon, Simmons College Patricia Condon is currently a full-time doctoral student in Library and Information Science at Simmons College. She received her Master of Library and Information Science and Master of Arts in Anthropology from The University of Southern Mississippi. Patti has more than ten years experience working in academic, public, and special libraries and archives as a researcher and information specialist. Patti’s research interests include preservation of print and digital media; research methodologies; community archives and cultural heritage; collective memory; and library and archive instruction and education. Her current research focuses on blogging, sense of place, and collective memory and research methodologies employed in archival studies research. Paul Conway, University of Michigan Paul Conway is associate professor in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. His research program encompasses digitization of cultural heritage resources, particularly photographic archives, the use of digitized resources by experts in a variety of humanities contexts, and the measurement of image and text quality in large-scale digitization programs. His work is supported by the National Science Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, and the Institute for Museum and Library Services. Conway teaches courses on digital libraries, understanding archives, preserving sound and motion resources, and digitization for preservation. He is also leading efforts at the School of Information to develop an undergraduate program in Informatics. Conway has extensive administrative experience in archives and preservation fields and has made major contributions over the past 30 years to the literature on archival users and use, preservation management, and digital imaging technologies. He has held positions at the National Archives and Records Administration, the Society of American Archivists, Yale University, and Duke University. In 2005, Conway received the American Library Association's Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award for his contributions to the preservation field. He is a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists and serves on the Editorial Board of American Archivist. Richard Cox, University of Pittsburgh Richard J. Cox is Professor in Library and Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences where he is responsible for the archives concentration in the Master's in Library Science degree and the Ph.D. degree. He was a member of the Society of American Archivists Council from 1986 through 1989. Dr. Cox also served as Editor of the American Archivist from 1991 through 1995 and Editor of the Records & Information Management Report from 2001 through 2007. He has written extensively on archival and records management topics and has published sixteen books in this area: American Archival Analysis: The Recent Development of the Archival Profession in the United States (1990) -- winner of the Waldo Gifford Leland Award given by the Society of American Archivists; Managing Institutional Archives: Foundational Principles and Practices (1992); The First Generation of Electronic Records Archivists in the United States: A Study in Professionalization (1994); Documenting Localities (1996); Closing an Era: Historical Perspectives on Modern Archives and Records Management (2000); Managing Records as Evidence and Information (2001), winner of the Waldo Gifford Leland Award in 2002; co-editor, Archives & the Public Good: Records and Accountability in Modern Society (2002); Vandals in the Stacks? A Response to Nicholson Baker’s Assault on Libraries (2002); Flowers After the Funeral: Reflections on the Post-9/11 Digital Age (2003); No Innocent Deposits: Forming Archives by Rethinking Appraisal (2004), winner of the Waldo Gifford Leland Award in 2005; Lester J. Cappon and Historical Scholarship in the Golden Age of Archival Theory (2004); Archives and Archivists in the Information Age (2005); Understanding Archives & Manuscripts (2006) with James M. O’Toole; Ethics, Accountability, and Recordkeeping in a Dangerous World (2006); Personal Archives and a New Archival Calling: Readings, Reflections and Ruminations (2008); The Demise of the Library School: Personal Reflections on Professional Education in the Modern Corporate University (2010); and Archival Anxiety and the Vocational Calling (2011). He is presently working on books on war, memory, and archives and Lester J. Cappon as a pioneering public historian. Dr. Cox was elected a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists in 1989. For detailed statements about my teaching and research, visit my home page at http://www.sis.pitt.edu/~rcox/. Brian Cumer, University of Pittsburgh I am a PhD student in the LIS Program at the University of Pittsburgh, School of Information Sciences. My dissertation research examines how technology and policy have influenced archaeological recordkeeping in the U.S. Prior attending Pitt, I worked as an archivist throughout the Pittsburgh helping non-profit organizations. I also have a professional background in archeology, and I have participated in field research in Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, and Israel. I have an M.A. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (Archaeology Concentration), where I first became interested in archives while working at the James L. Kelso Bible Lands Museum. My primary motivation for pursuing a PhD in Library and Information Science is closely tied to my personal passion for teaching. As a Teaching Fellow at Pitt, I have taught courses on archival preservation and archival appraisal, including a course I designed entitled Archives and Cultural Heritage, which I am offering for the second time this summer. I am interested in combining my professional experiences in archaeology and museum studies with my current work in archival studies. I consider it part of my mission as an educator to help equip future archivists to better deal with culture and the digital record. Amber Cushing, UNC Chapel Hill Amber L. Cushing is a doctoral student at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she is also a teaching fellow in the master’s program. Her dissertation work examines digital possession and the influence of self extension in digital environments on maintaining personal information. She has served as a research assistant on the NHPRC funded Archival Metrics and User Evaluation for Government Archives project as well as assisted with teaching for classes in the archival and records management concentration as well as the cultural institutions class. Before entering the doctoral program, Cushing held the position of Librarian at the New Hampshire State Library, where she was the reference department contact person for manuscript and rare book inquires and government documents inquires. She also managed the library and information science collection. She has held archival-related positions at the Library of Virginia, the National Archives and Records Administration, Harvard Art Museums, the Mount Holyoke College Library and the Curator’s Office of the Supreme Court of the United States. Cushing holds an AB in History from Mount Holyoke College and an MLS with a concentration in Archives Management from Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science. Morgan Daniels, University of Michigan Morgan Daniels is a fourth year doctoral student at the University of Michigan’s School of Information. Her research has encompassed a number of aspects of archival studies, including the impact of college and university archives on student users and the development of tools for user-based assessment of archives (both with the Archival Metrics project). More recently her research has focused on the use of scientific data, both by their original creators and by secondary users, for purposes other than those for which they were originally collected. This work has focused on the challenges to scientific data reuse, investigated primarily through qualitative research using interviews and observations of scientists. The broader theme of her work is the flow and reuse of information within particular communities of practice. To this end, she is currently developing a dissertation proposal on the topic of museum data use, including museum artifacts and their representations as well as research data collections curated by museums. This research will address the various kinds of data in museums and the ways in which researchers in a number of fields use those data to develop new knowledge. It will also explore the implications of museum data sources for developing data sharing infrastructure. Morgan will be presenting material at AERI based on her dissertation ideas, on which she looks forward to receiving feedback from the archival studies community. Devan Ray Donaldson, University of Michigan I am a Doctoral Candidate in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. I earned a MS in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a BA in History from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. During my junior year at William and Mary, I studied abroad at Oxford University, Hertford College. I have been a Bill and Melinda Gates Millennium Scholar since 2002 and a Horace H. Rackham Merit Fellow since 2008. My research objective is to empirically measure end-user trust. Toward this end, I aim to: 1) understand how to build trust between end-users and organizations responsible for providing reliable access to preserved content in a digital environment, 2) conduct research on Trusted Digital Repositories from the perspective of the end-user, and 3) study the experience of end-users in making credibility (e.g., trustworthiness and expertise) assessments of digital content housed in research data archives. My current research explores how members of specific designated communities go about assessing credibility of the digital information they need to use for research purposes. As an example of this, I am currently studying how proteomics researchers assess the credibility of scientific research data sets housed in ProteomeCommons, a research data archive specifically designed for proteomics research data sets. My scholarship philosophy is simple - I believe scholarship should be based upon empiricism. As a researcher, I want to employ a variety of research methods (qualitative (e.g., semi-structured interviews, observation), quantitative (e.g., surveys), and randomized experiments) to better understand archival issues in the digital environment. Lorrie Dong, University of Texas at Austin I am a third-year doctoral student and IMLS Preservation Doctoral Fellow in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin (UT). I received my MSIS and CAS in Preservation Administration at UT, an MPhil in Renaissance Literature at the University of Cambridge, and a BA in English at the University of California, Berkeley. I am presently a co-instructor for a UT undergraduate course called “Information in Cyberspace” and the conservation technician at UT’s Architecture & Planning Library. My research interests continue to reside in the dynamic social, economic and political factors that affect preservation and access to cultural heritage expressions. For the past several years, I have focused on postcolonial archival institutions. More generally, I am interested in the lifecycle and use of institutional records, especially after the institutions are no longer in existence or have undergone marked transformations in leadership or policy. This year, I became involved in a project that allows me to look at the records and record-keeping practices of a 150-year-old state mental hospital that has undergone several institutional changes. As far as I know, little has been written on the archival processes involved in the management of historical mental hospital documentation. My current research involves making selective bridges between the unique historical, social, and legal intricacies of U.S. mental institution records and the archival theories and practices found in postcolonial archival literature. I presently am examining the literature regarding the transition between institutional custodianship to community custodianship of records, and how records are preserved, organized, and described post-institution. I am especially interested in archival endeavors that utilize digitization, born-digital materials and structures, and information and communication technologies. My teaching, research, and service missions are all connected by my aspiration to increase diversity in academic affairs, involve local communities in cultural heritage initiatives, and promote volunteerism. As a professor in an information studies program, I would like to increase the involvement of community practitioners in and out of the classroom, thus expanding and strengthening networks between the communities and IS departments. Through guest speakers, internships, and student volunteering, students can engage with both the respect des fonds model of archival organization and more postmodern and postcolonial models that emphasize multiple points of record creation and use. Jonathan Dorey, McGill University Jonathan
Dorey is a Ph.D. student in
information studies at McGill University
in Montréal, Canada. Under the
supervision of Dr. Catherine Guastavino,
Jonathan studies the information literacy
skills of novice archival users.
His primary fields of study are
archival information literacy and
archival education. Jonathan is
also interested in the relationship
between language and information and
the development of bilingual and
multilingual taxonomies.
holds an MLIS from McGill
University (2010), a graduate certificate
in website and software localization from
Université de Montréal (2008), and a bachelor’s degree in
translation and East Asian studies from Université
de Montréal (2002). He is also
a certified translator since 2005.
Jonathan has worked
at BG Communications and Harris
Interactive in Montréal as a translator,
at Google Montréal as a local
bilingual taxonomy specialist and at
CEDROM-SNi as a librarian. He
currently is a research assistant,
working on a McGill University and
Université de Sherbrooke collaborative
project that investigates the notion
of dynamic comfort for touring
In his spare time, Jonathan cooks, eats, reads, swims, runs, cycles, and sleeps! Wendy Duff, University of Toronto Bio not available at the moment. Joanne Evans, Monash University I took up a position as a Lecturer in the Faculty of IT at Monash University in December 2010 and am just about to face my first semester of teaching in that role. Prior to this I was a researcher and archival systems developer at the eScholarship Research Centre (and its predecessor units) at the University of Melbourne. In that role I was involved in the design, development and deployment of two archival systems – the Heritage Documentation Management System (HDMS) and the Online Heritage Resource Manager (OHRM). The HDMS is used across a number of small archives to process and manage their holdings, as well as to make their finding aids available online, while the OHRM brings archival and scholarly principles and practices together into a database tool for creating and managing contextual information networks. I have qualifications and practical experience in information management, recordkeeping and archiving, and systems development. In 2007 I completed my PhD investigating recordkeeping metadata interoperability at Monash as part of the Clever Recordkeeping Metadata Project. I then was able to work on a part-time secondment as a Research Fellow to the Smart Information Portals Project at the Centre for Organisational and Social Informatics. As well as providing a post-doctoral experience, this position enabled me to continue developing my interest in system design methodologies and methods and in the sustainability and scalability of metadata creation and management frameworks. I have also been involved with recordkeeping and resource discovery metadata standards development as part of working groups within Standards Australia’s IT 21/7 Committee and with the Australia Society of Archivist’s Committee on Descriptive Standards. I was also part of the initial international team to develop the alpha version of EAC in 2001. A common theme across the practical and research activities that I am involved in is a desire to work with groups who are in some way ‘in the minority’, with lesser access to resources, skills and/or institutional support and/or ways of knowing different to the mainstream. My desire is to work with them to build sustainable archival information system utilizing digital and networking technologies that meet their needs and respect their values. Uncovering these through collaborative research and development activities benefits all parties and I gain much from the two way learning and knowledge exchange. From my research perspective this enables the exploration of issues around individual and community construction of information systems in and through time and space, as well as the development and application of reflective design research methodologies. Alexandra Eveleigh, University College London I am a second year doctoral student at University College London. I received my BA in Classics from the University of Cambridge in 1996 (MA 2000), an MA in Archives and Records Management from UCL in 1997, and a Professional Diploma in Management from the Open University in 2006. Between 1997 and 2009, I worked as an archivist at the University of Southampton and subsequently at West Yorkshire Archive Service (WYAS). Both my career as a practitioner and my research have been informed by a fascination with the impact of technology upon archives and archives’ user communities. My PhD, entitled “‘We think, not I think’ Harnessing Collaborative Creativity to Archival Practice: Implications of User Participation for Archival Theory and Practice”, is funded by an Arts and Humanities Research Council Collaborative Doctoral Award, and the partners are the Department of Information Studies at University College London and The (UK) National Archives. My research looks at the impact of user participation and 'collaborative creativity' upon archival theory and practice, with a particular focus on users' involvement in archival description and metadata creation/reuse. My working research questions are: 1. Is user participation an evolution or revolution in archival practice and professionalism? 2. What contexts and circumstances encourage and motivate users to participate in archival description? 3. What impact do participatory methodologies have upon (a) the archive service (b) existing users (c) new users and broader society? The objectives are to explore some of the realities behind claims made regarding experts, crowds and volunteer communities, and to seek to understand what moves to allow a multiplicity of voices to supplement or even supplant the authoritative professional voice might mean for notions of archival professionalism and for traditional communities of archive users. I am also a serving committee member of the Data Standards Group of the Archives and Records Association (formerly the UK Society of Archivists), and a member of the UK Archives Discovery Network. In 2008, I was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship to study local digital archives in Australia and the USA. There are several common strands between my interests in digital preservation and my current focus upon user collaboration – both relate to the impact of digital technologies on archival theory and practice, and many of the major issues (eg authority, context, trust, and the cultural challenges of embedding technological change in operational settings) are debated in both areas of research. Nisa Fachry, University of Amsterdam I am a research assistant and doctoral student at Archives and Information Studies, faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Coming from the field of human computer interaction, I am interested to study the information seeking behavior of archival users, in particular when searching online finding aids encoded in EAD, both when interacting with current online system as well as experimental archival search engines based on emerging XML retrieval technology. Shannon Faulkhead, Monash University Bio not available at the moment. Kathleen Fear, University of Michigan I am a second-year doctoral student at U-M’s School of Information. Prior to enrolling in my current program, I completed an MSI, also at Michigan, and a B.S. in Physics, from Yale University. My research interests center around the preservation of scientific data. Specifically, I am interested in scientists’ recordkeeping behaviors and their use of records to constitute, defend and discipline scientific knowledge. Currently, I am working with Beth Yakel and Ixchel Faniel on a project called Dissemination Information Packages for Information Reuse (DIPIR), which focuses on three different communities of scientists: biodiversity researchers, political scientists, and archaeologists. We are examining these groups as designated communities to discover their criteria for and practice in data reuse. The three groups are diverse not only in the kind of data they produce and use, but with respect to the relative maturity of their data sharing practices, and we hope that through interviews, fieldwork and other techniques, we will be able to identify significant properties of data for reuse, both within and across these communities. I am primarily interested in user-centered research. Previously, I have conducted research on data management practices at U-M, situating the problem of data management within the context of personal information management. I have also worked closely with researchers at U-M’s School of Public Health to examine the effects of University Hospital’s transition to electronic records, particularly with respect to the consequences of information overload on clincians’ acceptance and use of clinical decision support technologies. Andrew Flinn, University College London Andrew Flinn is a Senior Lecturer and Director of the Archives and Records Management MA programme in the Department of Information Studies at University College London and the current chair of the UK Forum for Archives and Records Management Education and Research (FARMER). In the Spring term 2011 he will be a visiting professor and the Allan Smith Visiting Scholar in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College Boston. He has recently completed a UK Arts and Humanities Research Council funded research project ‘Community archives and identities’ which examined the motivations, impacts and challenges of independent and community-led archive and heritage initiatives of African, Asian and other heritage groups in the UK. Amongst other professional positions, Andrew was previously archivist at the National Museum of Labour History (now the People’s History Museum) in Manchester, responsible for the archives of the UK Labour and Communist parties. His research interests include independent archives and community history projects, oral history, archival activism and democratizing heritage, user generated content and participatory approaches to archival practice, the relationship between archives, heritage and identities and the impact of access to information legislation on democratic processes. Andrew has also written widely on different manifestations of grassroots political activism in twentieth century Britain. As a researcher he is interested in further exploring the application of ethnographic, participatory, and community-based approaches to archival research. Recent publications include (with Mary Stevens) ‘“It is noh mistri, wi mekin histri”. Telling Our Own Story: Independent and Community Archives in the United Kingdom, Challenging and Subverting the Mainstream’ in Bastian & Alexander (eds.) Community Archives. The shaping of memory (London 2009), '"An attack on professionalism and scholarship"?: Democratising Archives and the Production of Knowledge.' Ariadne 62 (2010) and ‘The impact of independent and community archives on professional archival thinking and practice’ in Hill (ed) The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping, (London, 2010). Pat Franks, San Jose State University Bio not available at the moment. Pat Galloway, University of Texas at Austin I earned a BA in French from Millsaps College and MA and PhD in Comparative Literature from UNC-CH by 1973, at which time the world-wide oil-driven economic crisis guaranteed that I would not be able to find a job in academe. So instead I worked as a medieval archaeologist in Europe in the 1970s and then became involved with humanities-oriented computing, which I supported in the Computer Unit of Westfield College of the University of London, where my primary interest was text analysis. Returning to the US in 1979, I worked at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) until 2000, where I was a documentary editor, archaeological editor, historian (French colonial and southeastern native American ethnohistory), museum exhibit developer, and electronic records program director, while at the same time creating the MDAH's automation program as manager of information systems for all divisions of the institution from 1980-2000. I am the author of an extensive literature in ethnohistory and colonial history, including especially Choctaw Genesis 1500-1700 (1995) and Practicing Ethnohistory (2006); I have been a consultant to Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians since 1980 and have most recently worked with the tribal archivist on the reform of archival practices and in 2010 participated at the request of Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma in a NAGPRA consultation at Moundville. From 1997 to 2000 I directed the NHPRC grant-funded project at MDAH to create an electronic records program for the state of Mississippi, which I think I may fairly claim was up and running before that of Washington state. I was hired by the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin in fall of 2000, with the brief to develop a suite of courses designed to prepare students to become digital archivists capable of capturing, managing, and maintaining digital cultural objects indefinitely. In the past ten years I have taught almost 300 Master’s students in digital archives classes and I currently chair the committees of seven PhD students. I also teach archival appraisal and a course in the UT Museum Studies portfolio program, of which I am one of three principals, on historical museums. My teaching philosophy is based on respect for students and their ability to take control of their own learning, while my teaching practice attempts to draw from the best of my own experience as a student to pair skills in critical reading with demanding problem-oriented discovery to support lifelong learning in a field where change is endemic. My research interests to underpin this work include institutionalization of digital repositories, appraisal practices for digital records, preservation of intangible cultural heritage including both tacit knowledge and ethical considerations, and the analysis of digital records corpora, and I have published, presented, and supervised student work on all of these topics. Recently my interests as a historian have led me to begin investigating the generation of documentation by the community of practice that spans the computer industry, computer publications, and computer users, with a view to understanding archival documentation requirements to support historical studies in this field. Leisa Gibbons, Monash University In 2006 I started a Masters of Information Management & Systems (MIMS) at Monash University. Previously I had studied visual culture and had obtained a bachelor degree in Fine Art History and worked towards a diploma in writing for film, television and new media. At Monash I was introduced to the Records Continuum Model and was so influenced by the theoretical and practical implications of an action based approach to recordkeeping, I sought to undertake research so that I might deepen my understanding and share it with others. My research specialisations use Continuum theory to discover the multiplicity of digital cultural records, particularly those found online and in complex forms such as within social media networks. The focus of my research is on Youtube and the process of creating cultural heritage from the perspective of the creating agents – the Youtube users. Continuum theory has also influenced the way I understand how information is created and shared, so has impacted on how I position myself as a researcher and develop a research methodology. In my PhD research on Youtube I use methods and analytical tools such as grounded theory, discourse analysis, case study, reflective practice, emergent literature and content analysis to make sense of and develop a story about the creation of cultural heritage in online spaces. My PhD looks closely to other disciplines, particularly cultural and media studies, but also sociology and anthropology to help develop a strategy for understanding the phenomenon of Youtube. Since completing my MIMS I have worked at Curtin University in Western Australia as a librarian, BHP Billiton as an Archivist and as the first Records Manager ever hired at the Brotherhood of St Laurence, a faith-based social welfare organization in Melbourne. I also have my own business working with not-for-profit organisations to help them understand and implement records and information management processes. My research interests are: 1. Research methodologies; and in particular multi-disciplinary approaches to research problems. This includes investigating the application of Continuum theory to knowledge generation. 2. Continuum theory and how online content is understood as evidence of culture. Includes areas of interest such as the relationships between institutions and cultural creation on the web with a particular focus on social media and web 2.0. 3. Digital moving image and visual media archiving with a specific focus on post-custodial concepts and practices. Unpacking traditional object-centred concepts and practices. 4. Organisational recordkeeping and records management practices, particularly social welfare organisations. Looking closely at how social welfare organisations understand, apply, source and undertake records management. This includes how organisational archives are formed (or not) through perceptions of value and workplace processes. Anne Gilliland, UCLA Bio not available at the moment. Karen Gracy, Kent State University Bio not available at the moment. Amy Greer, Simmons College Bio not available at the moment. Melvin Hale, UCLA After a lengthy career in telecom engineering, marketing and database development, I returned to school in 2009. I am currently enrolled in the second year of the MLIS and PhD program in Information and Archival Studies at UCLA. I come to the program as an award-winning artist, and a collector of rare postcards, documents, photographs and artifactual ephemera. I am a member of LA As Subject, an alliance of research archives, libraries and collections, hosted by University of Southern California Libraries, and for the past two years I have been an exhibitor at the annual Archives Bazaar. My artistic work is primarily based on colorizing and reimagining historic locations. As a recipient of the Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, I bring a unique perspective to archival studies and practice. My background as a engineer and enterprise database architect makes me sensitive to issues of data persistence. My background as an artist has made me aware of ways of seeing and knowing that otherwise could not have learned. As a result, my reaching and research interests are in the areas of visual literacy, information technology and archival theory and practice. Communication technologies driving the Internet and 21st century pedagogy, are more and more visual in nature, thus literary paradigms now demand theory and practice that prepare students to successfully engage with both oral and visual materials. Archival practice will sure benefit from practitioners who are prepared to accession, describe, and preserve visual collections for future research. My artwork can be seen online at ArtistLA.com. Carolyn Hank, McGill University Bio not available at the moment. Ross Harvey, Simmons College Bio not available at the moment. Laura Helton, New York University Over the past nine years, I have simultaneously worked as an archivist of social movements and studied these archives as critical sites of engagement around the problems and politics of history. I am now a third-year PhD in United States history at New York University, where my research focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century collecting and archival practices, print culture, and the materiality of knowledge production. I earned an MA in history and archival management in 2004 from NYU, where I also served as a fellow at the Tamiment Library processing collections on women’s movements. From 2004 to 2006, I was field archivist for the Mississippi Digital Library, a collaborative project to expand access to archives documenting the civil rights movement. This project emerged at a moment when civil rights history made the daily news; clustered around the fortieth anniversary of key civil rights milestones were new monuments, unsealed state records, investigations of long-unprosecuted murders, and reignited debates about the status of racial equality. Engaging in our everyday work thus required that my colleagues and I navigate the complicated role that archives play in the memory politics of the present. I became increasingly interested in how their variant histories of collection development had created enduring institutional cultures that shaped archives’ participation in ongoing cultural debates. I took these experiences into my studies at Rutgers University, where I earned my MLIS in 2007. My coursework in book history allowed me to translate questions I had encountered as an archivist into historical research probing earlier collecting endeavors, particularly those focused on building African American archives. I recently completed the proposal for my dissertation, tentatively entitled “Collecting Blackness: Archival Publics and African American Documentary Practice, 1920-1960.” It examines the building of African American archives in the early twentieth century and argues that as a set of intellectual and political practices, collecting played a crucial role in shaping public theorizations of race and nation. I write about a range of collectors, librarians, and archivists, including Arthur Schomburg, Vivian Harsh, Dorothy Porter, and Alexander Gumby. I hope this research on past archival efforts will help to illuminate what is at stake in more recent efforts to collect and document movements for social change and the communities who make them. As I pursue fulltime doctoral studies, I remain committed to and involved in the professional archival community. I recently served as a consultant to the Newark Archives Project, and since 2009 have been processing manuscript collections at the Schomburg Center for Research on Black Culture as part of a pilot project to uncover “hidden” collections. Along with Peter Wosh and fellow graduate student Dylan Yeats, I co-curated the 2010 program, “Discussing the Archive: Ideas, Practices, Institutions,” a series of interdisciplinary events exploring overlapping and divergent concepts of the “the archive” in the humanities. Luciana Heymann, Fundaçăo Getulio Vargas My whole career has been developed at the Center of Research and Documentation of Brazilian Contemporary History (CPDOC), at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, in Rio de Janeiro. I was still a history student when I began as a trainee in the Documentation Section of CPDOC, helping to organize personal archives of members of the Brazilian political elite. Hired as a researcher in 1986, I kept working on personal archives, and when I began my Social Anthropology master’s degree in the early 1990s, I decided to develop my fieldwork on one of these archives, more precisely on a group of letters containing demands that were received by a certain politician in the 1930s. In my dissertation, beyond exploring the clientelism and favour relationships, common at that time in the Brazilian political culture, I analyzed the nature of personal archives and the place of those correspondences in the arrangement given to the documents, exploring the question of the construction of research sources in the environment of the archival institutions. In my doctoral thesis in Sociology, I have focused the issue of the social construction of historic “legacies,” analyzing the role of personal archives in the projects of construction of exemplary individual trajectories. My object of study, then, was the process of the building of the archive of an important Brazilian intellectual and politicians, as well as the creation of an institution for continuing his projects, preserving his heritage and keeping his memory alive. Special attention was given, in the institutional design, to “the place” of his archive before and after his death. So, my academic career is closely tied to my professional experience: from the work with archives, I have turned my attention and developed an analysis on these artifacts and the actual work of archivists. One of the interesting aspects of this path was the possibility of turning the archival making into an object of analysis, once denaturalizing this practice has allowed me to rethink the use of archival principles on the personal document ensemble. I am a member of the staff of the Graduate Program in History, Politics and Cultural Assets of CPDOC, linked to the research area “Memory, Culture and Society”. THe program has received students interested in the archives and its social uses, as well as issues related to heritage and memory. In recent years, I have been in charge of the Memory and collections discipline, in which I try to call the students attention to a socio-historical approach of archives, to their related representations and the archivists’ role in the production of discourses about the past. More recently, I have been interested in the memory of the Brazilian military regime (1964-1985). In contrast to what occurred in other South American countries, initiatives for preservation and dissemination of Brazil’s dictatorship archives are recent, and they are not happening without resistance. The creation of the Political Struggles in Brazil Reference Center, in 2009, is a sign that the memory of this period is becoming State policy. What are the outlines of this process and its effects are some of the questions that I am interested in. Richard Hollinger, University of Amsterdam I hold M.A. degrees in Middle Eastern History (UCLA) and Public History (California State University at Dominguez Hills) and am currently completing a Ph.D. in Archives and Information Studies at the University of Amsterdam. I have been a practicing archivist since 1990, during which time I have worked at the New York Public Library, Columbia University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the New Jersey Historical Society, and the University of Maine. I have a particular interest in the history of records. The focus of my research has been on the factors that affect the various individual decisions that result in records creation, records retention and records preservation, and which thereby shape documentation about the past. Dalena Hunter, UCLA Dalena Hunter is a first year PhD student in the UCLA Information Studies Program with an archival focus. She completed the MLIS program at UCLA in 2007 and worked as an academic librarian in an ethnic studies center on campus where her duties include soliciting, processing and providing access to primary source material. Her personal background and research interests led her to focus her academic career on increasing the presence of and access to primary and secondary materials documenting minority and marginalized groups in the United States. Ms. Hunter is interested in engaging in theoretical discussions on the epistemological basis of archival theories that support record creation, archival processing, and historical preservation and its effect upon knowledge and cultural production. Asher Jackson, Simmons College Bio not available Trond Jacobsen, University of Michigan While my intellectual and academic interests extend quite broadly, including information seeking behaviors and psychology, elements of HCI, and information retrieval, as a doctoral student my primary interests center on the social functions of archives and record-keeping practices. In particular, I am interested in the social roles of archives and record-keeping cultures in the evolution, maintenance, and contestation of collective memory phenomena. My dissertation examines how the parties to the Federal Acknowledgment Process mobilize records as evidence. Joint work with a colleague soon to be admitted for publication is a citation analysis of articles about collective memory in the archival studies literature. I received a B.S. in sociology from the University of Oregon, with a dual focus on media systems and demilitarization. Pending approval by the school I should have received an MSI in library services before AERI 2011 begins. I bring a breadth of experience in academia as a student, instructor, and for many years a successful college policy debater at the University of Oregon and coach of nationally-competitive college policy debate teams Cornell, Vermont, Oregon, and the University of Alaska. In my non-academic life, I worked as the manager of information systems and law librarian and on many political campaigns, including two congressional campaigns. Minji Jo, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies I am a doctoral student of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Information and Archival Science Department. I also work as a senior researcher for Archival Science Research Center in Korea. I received a B.A. and M.A. in Library and Information Science. I carried several theses about Presidential Libraries in the Korean Archival Science Journal. My article about archival description and representation of memory was published in the latest issue of the journal. My research objectives are focused on searching the relationship between memory and archives by exploring the meaning of archivist and archival description. Eric Ketelaar, University of Amsterdam Eric Ketelaar is Professor Emeritus at the University of Amsterdam. From 1997 to 2009 he was Professor of Archivistics in the Department of Mediastudies of the University of Amsterdam. As a honorary fellow of his former department he continues his research which is concerned mainly with the social and cultural contexts of records creation and use - past, present and future. He is one of the three editors-in-chief of Archival Science. He is a member of the advisory board for the University of Glasgow’s Information Management and Preservation MSc programme and external examiner at the annual PhD review of the university’s Humanities Advanced Technology & Information Institute HATII. Eric Ketelaar was General State Archivist (National Archivist) of The Netherlands from 1989-1997 and held the archivistics chair in the Department of History, University of Leiden, 1992-2002. He was visiting professor at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Gakushuin University (Tokyo) and Monash University (Melbourne), where he continues to be involved as a Senior Research Fellow in Monash’s Center for Organisational and Social Informatics. He served the International Council on Archives in different capacities, and in 2000 was elected Honorary President. Since May 2010 Eric Ketelaar is a director of the DLM Forum. Full biography and list of publications on www.archivistics.nl Sarah Kim, UCLA I am a doctoral candidate in Information Studies at the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. My dissertation research, entitled “Personal Digital Archives: Preservation of Documents, Preservation of Self,” explores personal digital archiving practices of individuals in relation to the construction of self. Personal archiving is a practice through which people manage and preserve documents that have particular meanings to them for a long time. The pervasive use of digital technology in everyday life changes the way that people interact with documents and thus have an influence on archiving practices. Viewing personal archiving as a self-reflective practice, my dissertation research aims to examine and interpret personal digital archiving practices in the context of how people make sense of their lives and construct their private and public selves. The concept of narrative as an organizing principle of our lives, the idea of socially constructed self, and Erving Goffman’s impression management theory serve as a conceptual foundation for my research. I am using in-depth case studies as the primary research method. My overall research interests are personal digital archiving, information management, and record-keeping behavior; preservation of digital cultural heritage; sustainable development of cultural institutions and; grounded theory and an individual case-based research method. I have a B.A. in History and Art History and a M.S. in Information Studies focusing on archives and record management. Currently, I am co-teaching “Information in Cyberspace,” an undergraduate standing online course at the School of Information, UT at Austin. David Kim, UCLA David Kim is a Ph.D. student in the department of Information Studies at UCLA. His research interests are archival studies, memory studies, digital humanities and technology-mediated visual culture. He was a research assistant for the Transliteracies Project organized by the English department at UC-Santa Barbara, which addresses contemporary research questions related to social media computing and knowledge production with engagement from both humanities and the sciences. He has been also working as a research assistant exploring topics in digital humanities under the direction of Professor Johanna Drucker, primarily for the Museum of Writing project, a platform that combines digital archival collections and new modes of scholarly production in the study of the history of the book and writing. He received his Masters degree in English at NYU. His thesis dealt with race, gender and sexuality in 20th-century American literature. He also has a Masters in Information and Library Science from the Pratt Institute, where he was an IMLS fellow working in public libraries as well as in digital resources and web applications for the Brooklyn Public Library. Prior to starting at UCLA, he worked as an archivist at the Public Art Fund and as a consultant on various digital archives projects for community-based arts organizations in New York City. Allison Krebs, University of Washington I am a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, a graduate of the first class of women at Yale College, have earned an MLIS as a Knowledge River Scholar at the University of Arizona, and am currently in the second year of my PhD studies at the Information School at University of Washington where I am one of the co-founders of the Indigenous Information Research Group (IIRG). I also serve as current Chair of the Native American Archives Roundtable of the Society of American Archivists, and on the Native American Protocols Working Group. My research focuses on the articulation of Indigenous knowledge ecologies centering theory and praxis sourced from within Indigenous knowledge communities, giving Indigenous community stakeholders priority as I work to advance curriculum development in archival studies through national and international collaborations. This work entails liberating subjugated knowledges from archives to be used in Indigenous community regeneration and resilience while validating the levels of Indigenous community existence and resistance through foregrounding Indigenous information ethics and protocols and effectively mobilizing allies and stakeholders for mutual benefit; thereby decolonizing archival theory and practice. Adam Kriesberg, University of Michigan I am a first year doctoral student at the School of Information (SI) at the University of Michigan. My primary areas of interest include digital preservation and archival practice, digital humanities, access to digital materials, and cyber-infrastructure for the humanities. Currently, I work as a research assistant on the Archival Metrics Project with my advisor, Beth Yakel. I studied History and Classics as an undergraduate; after earning my BA I worked in the corporate world, as a project manager at a technology consulting firm. In my job, I worked with clients to understand and address information challenges related to business; I returned to graduate school to study similar challenges confronting archivists and humanities scholars. Initially, I was drawn to archives as a result of conducting research in multiple humanities disciplines and using archival resources in multiple ways when asking different questions. An archival perspective is valuable for addressing the future challenges of balancing preservation and use for digital materials. The unique lens of archival studies in the iSchool environment is a great method for studying the challenges of the digital age. Alison Langmead, University of Pittsburgh I have made a concerted effort in my professional career to combine my enthusiasm for academic work with an equally strong desire to use my theoretical research in daily practice. While working towards by PhD in art history and my MLIS, for example, I held a variety of positions in a number of library-museum-archives settings, including a full-time post as the archivist/records and information manager in a small business. I currently hold a joint faculty appointment at the University of Pittsburgh that again combines the practical and the theoretical. I serve both as the Director of the Visual Media Workshop in the Department of Art History and Architecture as well as a Lecturer in the Library and Information Science Program, focusing my teaching in the Archives, Preservation and Records Management track. In my research, I am attempting to tease out the nature of the relationship between the practice of active information management and the archival profession, both as a historical narrative and as a complex, changing process in contemporary America. Even though both of these fields originated from similar milieus and came to a twentieth-century maturity at about the same time, they never truly shared an outlook on the reasons why humans document their own behavior. As we move forward, it is vital to understand the fundamental differences between these two fields if we are to argue that archivists have a non-custodial role to play in active information administration. In addition, if the records and information management field is to remain a viable profession in its own right, it needs to move beyond an understanding of documentation as the residue of human activity and move towards an understanding of information as the actual product of the twenty-first century economy. In terms of a teaching philosophy, it is my belief that a successful graduate education in the field(s) of archives and records/information management must satisfy two basic requirements. First, as befits any professional education, our students must acquire a certain number of basic practical skills, such as the rudiments of digital preservation or the current best practices in archival appraisal and records scheduling. However, these fields are ever-changing, and the basic skills employed today will not necessarily be the same as those used in a decade. For this reason, the second basic requirement for this education should be for our students to acquire a sophisticated understanding of the theoretical and historical underpinnings that support these practical skills. Without a solid awareness of the reasons why current practice is the way that it is, our students will not only be hard-pressed to make sense of future changes, they will also find it more difficult to become the proactive agents of change that we need them to be in order to make sure that these professions thrive in an increasingly information-based economy. Andrew Lau, UCLA Currently, my interests revolve around archival and documentation practices in contemporary art. As a generally amorphous designation, contemporary art is often varied across media and disciplinary practices, including performance, installation, site- and event-specific works, and more traditional ideas of object-focused artistic creation. Embedded in these interests are issues that emerge from the tasks of attempting to archive events and activities that resist the very notion of archiving. For many contemporary artists, the “work” is never merely the material object(s), especially in artistic works that are based in experience, relationality, interactivity, collaboration, and/or participation. By extension, the documentary “residue,” that which supplies these artists’ archives, also cannot be limited to the materiality of the documentary objects. They can only ever capture a partial view of the ephemeral work and are as such, can often only be contingent objects. At the core of my research are investments in the concepts of the record of the documentation, as well as archival theories of subject-object relations. Community engagement has been and continues to be an important focus for my work. With my research, I am interested in investigating expressions of recordkeeping creation among artists and their continually shifting publics. I view my role as situated between archival studies and contemporary art discourse, seeking to explore manners in which both fields might enrich each other. My approach to teaching is based in critical pedagogy, with an emphasis on attempting to provide my students with opportunities to engage with the communities that with which they identify. Rather than viewing students as receptacles in which information is “deposited (i.e., the “banking” model of education),” I treat the classroom as a space for multiple forms of knowledge and experience to come together and build upon each other. Although learning outcomes are necessary as a framework to guide education, I believe that the methods that students employ to achieve those outcomes are as unique as students themselves. I view my role as an educator in terms of facilitating students’ individual and collaborative processes of learning, both inside and outside the spaces of the classroom. I obtained my bachelor’s degree in psychology at the California State University, Los Angeles, with a specialization in psychometrics and research methodologies. Subsequently, I obtained my master’s degree in library and information science with an archives specialization from the University of California, Los Angeles, where I am currently completing my doctoral degree. In my time at UCLA, I have been involved with a number of projects, including the Pacific Rim Project: Pluralizing the Archival Paradigm, the Center for Embedded Networked Sensing Education Infrastructure project, and the National Science Foundation’s Task Force on Cyberlearning. I am also currently an adjunct faculty instructor for Glendale Community College, where I teach courses on social media, information, and society with service-learning components. Kenneth Lavendar, Syracuse University For over 20 years I was a rare book librarian, where I took joy in developing a wide range of collections—Texana, 18th-century English literature, natural history, science fiction, children’s literature, pop-up books, fine printing, and artist’s books. During this time I also received training in preservation and chose that as my major field of research and publication. From this “practical” background, I endeavor to bring as much “reality” as I can to my teaching, especially in my courses in special collections, archives, and preservation. It is my belief that students benefit from a good mixture of theory and practice in the context of a well-developed course. In my special collections course each small group of students has a rare book to work on and present to their classmates, including bibliographic analysis, biographical information, historical context, and publishing details. In my archives course, each student must create an archive collection of his or her choosing, developing the aspects of selection, provenance, arrangement, description, preservation, and like matters. This project brings reality into their studies and causes them to think of the possible value of objects that can make up a collection. They are really engaged because the objects are their own. My preservation course is also a combination of theory and practice, bringing together theory (readings and class discussions) and practice (relevant lab assignments). My book, Book Repair (Neal-Schuman 2000), has been a leader in the field and is now undergoing an update. My research and teaching emphases were considerably broadened as our new program in Cultural Heritage Preservation was developed by myself and my colleagues in Museum Studies and Anthropology. We are looking for new venues of publication that will best suit this developing field of teaching and research. Part of the impetus for creating this Certificate of Advanced Studies program was the reality that cultural institutions can no longer go it alone; that is, the emphasis now and for the future is on cross-disciplinary and multi-institutional projects. The differences between museums, archives, libraries, and other cultural institutions have become less discrete than they once were, although boundaries still exist. One exercise we have our students do is to go on “border patrol,” each choosing a particular cultural institution and examining it in detail to answer such questions as “Is this archive also a museum?” “Is this state park also an archive?” “Does this historical society serve an archival function for its community?” These questions help bring reality to their studies and enable them to better understand how cultural institutions are striving to survive. Thus my areas of research have also expanded to address multi-institutional responses to questions of preservation, outreach, and identity. Bridget Lawlor, Claremont Graduate University I am writing to express my interest in attending the 2011 Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI). I was recently accepted to the PhD program in history and archival studies at Claremont Graduate University (CGU), where I also received my Master degree in May 2010. Although it appears that I have taken a year off from graduate work, I have taken this time as an opportunity to develop new as well as hone existing skills. During the summer, I took a German language immersion class, which has prepared me to take my primary source research to a higher level. In addition, I have attended several courses through the Society of American Archivists (SAA) to expand my knowledge of the archival field. Additionally, my position as archivist at the Drucker Institute has given me the opportunity to strengthen my skills as a researcher by working on two books about management guru Peter Drucker. Outside of work, I am serving as research archivist for the Executive Director of the Drucker Institute, Rick Wartzman, whose book is due to be published in 2014. My long-term goal is to obtain a dual position as a professor and archivist at the university level. While my field of study throughout the PhD program will remain modern European history, I plan to focus more specifically on the ways in which the Nazi regime affected Peter Drucker’s experience, his writing and his overall economic theory. As archivist at the Drucker Institute, I have unlimited access to Drucker’s personal papers and am therefore in a unique position to successfully and comprehensively complete this project. My scholarship philosophy is grounded in the importance of primary research. I believe that for one to be a good educator, one must practice good scholarship. That is why I look for every opportunity to conduct primary research. As I mentioned before, I have served as research archivist for three book projects and I have learned immensely from each of them. By trial and error I have learned where to look, how to search and the most effective ways to organize the information. These are skills that, at times, are left out of the educational process and I would emphasize in my own classroom. I believe that AERI will allow me to further develop my knowledge of archival theory, which I can then practically apply throughout my career. Thank you very much for your consideration for the Archival Education and Research Institute. I hope to have the opportunity to attend the 2011 session. Cal Lee, UNC Chapel Hill Christopher (Cal) Lee is Assistant Professor at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He teaches courses on archival administration; records management; digital curation; understanding information technology for managing digital collections; and the construction of policies and rules for digital repositories. He is one of the lead organizers and instructors for the DigCCurr Professional Institute, which is a week-long continuing education workshop on digital curation, and teaches professional workshops on the application of digital forensics methods and principles to digital acquisitions. Cal’s primary area of research is the long-term curation of digital collections. He is particularly interested in the professionalization of this work and the diffusion of existing tools and methods (e.g. digital forensics, web archiving, automated implementation of policies) into professional practice. Cal is editing and providing several chapters to a forthcoming book, I, Digital: Personal Collections in the Digital Era. Cal is Principal Investigator of the Digital Acquisition Learning Laboratory project (funded by the Mellon Foundation), which is investigating and testing the incorporation of digital forensics tools and methods to digital curation education. He is also Co-PI on three projects that are focused on the preparation of professions to take on digital curation responsibilities: DigCCurr II: Extending an International Digital Curation Curriculum to Doctoral Students and Practitioners (funded by IMLS); Educating Stewards of Public Information for the 21st Century (funded by IMLS), and Closing the Digital Curation Gap (funded by IMLS and JISC). Cal is collaborating with Simson Garfinkel on an effort (funded by NSF) to investigate and develop annotations, scenarios, exercises, answer keys and other forms of data to enhance access and use of disk images created to support digital forensics education. He is also Principal Investigator of the Digital Acquisition Learning Laboratory (DALL) project, which is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and supports the creation, administration and implementation of a learning laboratory for the application of forensic techniques to the acquisition of digital materials. Noah Lenstra, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign My research interests center on the role of archives and archival studies in the development of what has been termed "New Heritage," or "the outcomes of novel forms of cultural interpretation and production that are engendered by digital media and information technology."[1] In other words, my research seeks to embed archival studies into an emerging, international, interdisciplinary group of researchers interested in the roles of digital technologies in place-based cultural heritage production and sharing.[2] This research has emerged out of a wide variety of disciplines -- including public history, public archaelogy, archival studies, library science, museum studies, heritage studies -- and as a result there has been little concrete theorization or development of measures to assess and evaluate these myriad projects across cases and across disciplines. I argue that archival studies can play a lead role in orienting this emerging group of scholars around questions of evidence, accountability, ownership, provenance and records. This use of archival studies in the multidisciplinary "New Heritage" project can help cultural heritage practitioners in a wide variety of settings -- including libraries, archives, historical societies, museums and historic preservation units -- navigate changing ways in which both mainstream publics and counter-publics keep and use records about themselves, especially through uses of digital technology. I am also interested in how place-based digital inequalities impact how, why and if these digital cultural heritage initiatives emerge, or are sustained. This research was first developed in a Certificate of Advanced Study action research case study project to create a digital portal on African-American history in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois that drew on the holdings of mainstream archives, libraries and museums as well as private family and personal papers in the African-American community. My doctoral research seeks to articulate and parse out the myriad contextual factors shaping such projects, both inside and outside of archival studies, that have become more common over the last twenty years. _____________________ 1 Elisa Giaccardi "Cultural Informatics" Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. http://x.i- dat.org/~eg/research/research.htm. 2 Examples of some of these studies, both within and without archival studies, includes: Huvila, I. (2008) "Participatory archive: towards decentralised curation, radical user orientation, and broader contextualisation of records management" Archival Science 8, 1; Vos, V. and Ketelaar, E. (2007) "Amsterdam Communities' Memories: Research into how Modern Media can be applied to Archive Community" In: Memory Constructing and Sharing Memory: Community Informatics, Identity and Empowerment Eds. Larry Stillman and Graeme Johanson.Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle UK; Flinn, A. (2010) "Independent Community Archives and Community-Generated Content. Writing and Saving our Histories." Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 16, 1; Christen, K. (2008) "Archival Challenges and Digital Solutions in Aboriginal Australia" SAA Archaeological Record. 8, 2; Robb, E. (2010) "Gleaning Local History: Community-based digitization experiences in Rural Washington" Microform and Imaging Review 39; Klaebe, H., et.al. (2007) "Digital Storytelling and History Lines: Community Engagement in a Master-Planned Development" In: Proceedings 13th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM'07), Brisbane. http://eprints.qut.edu.au/8985/; and Santana, M. and Pimenta, R. (2009) "Public History and Militant Identities: Brazilian Unions and the Quest for Memory" International and Working-Class History 76. Virgina Luehrsen, University of Texas at Austin I was initially attracted to the field of special collections and archives while working during my undergraduate studies as a curatorial assistant in a history of medicine library and handling collections that included rare books, manuscripts, and personal documents. During my Masters degree studies, I extended this interest in special collections into an interest in culturally-based theories of collection management and preservation. Combining elements from my Library Science coursework with elements from my Masters in Folklore and Ethnomusicology, I was exposed to new ways of thinking about cultural and religious collections, and the concept of intangible cultural heritage in the library and archive. Now at the University of Texas at Austin as a doctoral student in the School of Information, I have continued researching culturally-based preservation strategies and theories for the library and archive, looking particularly at how different cultures and communities may approach appraisal and selection of materials, and associate value with their preservation. Alongside this research, I am also working with methodologies for disaster recovery and response, specifically related to archives and libraries, with the aim of incorporating culturally-based strategies and theories into disaster response efforts. The resulting scholarship is not intended to be purely academic (though that element will be undoubtedly satisfied), but will also serve to provide guidance on implementing culturally sensitive approaches to managing and preserving collection materials in the library and the archive. As an academic, I am also concerned that both my research and teaching advance knowledge and integrity in the discipline. I have already designed my own undergraduate course, which I will be teaching this next year at the School of Information. The course will focus on the organization, preservation, and representation of cultural heritage information. As a folklorist and an archivist, I understand the importance of implementing strategies to keep our field notes, audio/visual files, and collected material culture secure and properly accessible. This course is designed to help upper level undergraduates learn more about managing such collections, providing them with strategies and skill sets that will be beneficial in their future careers and broaden their horizons about the work of archives and libraries. Jennifer Marshall, University of South Carolina I am currently an assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina, where I began work as an instructor in 2004. I hold a PhD in Library and Information Science, with a concentration in archival studies, from the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. In my dissertation research into practices for documenting appraisal at the National Archives and Records Administration, Library and Archives Canada, and the National Archives of Australia, I began to explore the nexus between appraisal and archival accountability. Archival appraisal is at the heart of all work carried out by archivists, but there is no universally accepted formula for its conduct. This lack of professional consensus challenges archivists to document how appraisal is accomplished. Since archivists bring many perspectives to the selection process, it is imperative to explain the thinking, goals, and assumptions behind the appraisal process in order to provide a record of how archives were formed. If archivists are to demonstrate that they have acted responsibly towards society’s documentary heritage, they must leave evidence of how they have carried out this critical task. By developing standard methods of documenting the appraisal decision-making process, archivists can demonstrate accountability for the appraisal function to employing institutions, users of archival materials, and society in general for ensuring the responsible selection of the documentary record. These areas remain strong research interests for me, and I plan to build on this initial research to explore practices for documenting appraisal in other environments. My main teaching responsibilities are in the areas of archival administration and preservation management. I view teaching as an ongoing learning process and I enjoy the opportunities and challenges involved in striving towards excellence in teaching in both the traditional classroom and online settings. I encourage students to take active ownership of their education and professional development through building learning communities where everyone’s perspectives and contributions are expected and respected. I attempt to develop assignments that engage students in critical-thinking and problem-solving related to issues of relevance to the archival profession and to utilize a variety of instructional strategies in order to provide students with different learning styles opportunities to excel. Nora Mattern, University of Pittsburgh I am entering my second year in the doctoral program at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Information Sciences. I earned my BA from Lehigh University and a MA in Museum Studies from Syracuse University. Before beginning my PhD studies, I worked at the Pennsylvania Anthracite Heritage Museum in Scranton, PA and the Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, CT. While at Lehigh, I developed an interest in the looting of cultural property and how decolonization, war, and changes in political boundaries have led to restitution claims. I began the doctoral program at the University of Pittsburgh as a student of the Working Memory initiative, which provides students with the opportunity to engage in the study of cultural and scientific memory through a series of seminars. At Pitt, I am examining the role of documentation in cultural heritage disputes and the government’s use of replevin to recover public records that are in private hands. I place great value on an interdisciplinary education and remain committed to finding and observing linkages across academic fields. I believe that no field is untouched by other disciplines and my teaching and scholarship philosophy is rooted in this conviction. Lindsay Mattock, University of Pittsburgh I received my MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh in August of 2009 and have continued into the PhD program at the School of Information Sciences, where I am currently in my first year of doctoral studies. Prior to my graduate studies, I earned a Bachelors degree in Film Studies from the same university. Before pursuing my degree in Archives and Records Management, I worked as a video technician for a legal video firm. I have carried my interests in film and video into my archival studies, focusing my research on audiovisual records. My interests also afforded an opportunity to intern at Pittsburg Filmmakers, a local media arts center, where I worked as library intern and have currently continued as a consultant for the library. My experiences in video production and work with several local institutions continue to illustrate the challenges that audiovisual records pose for archives. As with digital records, audiovisual records bring specific challenges to collecting institutions. I believe that building a community between creators and custodians is a vital step in advocating for continued preservation of these collections. As I continue my academic studies, I plan to focus my research on the preservation and access of audiovisual collections and their place in traditional archival institutions. Sue McKemmish, Monash University My research relates to archival science and systems, electronic recordkeeping, and the broader knowledge management, metadata and resource discovery areas. I have been involved for many years with researchers at Monash University in the development of records continuum theory, particularly relating to the societal role of records in memory, identity, governance and accountability. I have particularly enjoyed working with archival, LIS, information systems, computing science and Australian Indigenous studies researchers, PhD students, archival institutions, government agencies, community organizations and communities on an exciting range of collaborative, multidisciplinary research projects, for example relating to Australian Indigenous communities and archives; inclusive and culturally sensitive archival education; the nexus between memories, communities and technologies; metadata standards to support electronic recordkeeping and the provision of quality information and archival resources online; and smart information portals tailored to the needs of individual users and communities. I also have a major commitment to the development of archival research design and methodology, community-centred participatory research models, and the user-sensitive design of information and archival systems. Research highlights have included the 2004-8 ARC Linkage Major Project “Trust and Technology: Building Archival Systems for Indigenous Oral Memory” which explored how archives can support Indigenous frameworks of knowledge, memory and evidence, particularly knowledge that is still stored within the community orally (http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/research/centres/cosi/projects/trust/); my recordkeeping metadata research (the Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema (RKMS) Version 1.0, the related 1997-8 SPIRT Project, and the 2003-05 ARC Linkage Project, “Create Once, Use Many Times: the Clever Use of Metadata” (http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/research/groups/rcrg/crkm/index.html) which impacted significantly on the development of the new Australian National Standard, and ISO23081; and the development of the Breast Cancer Knowledge Online Portal (www.bckonline.monash.edu.au), an outcome of consumer instigated research and collaboration between researchers, governments, industry and professional partners, and user communities. Another recent highlight has been the establishment of the Monash Centre for Organisational and Social Informatics in 2006 – COSI brings together a critical mass of Monash researchers, national and international research collaborators, industry and community research partners and research students, and aims to contribute to the development of individuals, organisations, and society through multidisciplinary research relating to human-centred design and deployment of information technologies, and their creative and effective use in government, business and civil society. COSI’s major research themes include the role of ICTs in social inclusion, and the nexus between memories, communities and technologies (http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/research/centres/cosi/index.html). Since 1990, I have been involved with my Monash colleagues in the development, coordination and teaching of one of Australia’s leading professionally accredited graduate programs in recordkeeping and archival systems. This has been enormously satisfying, and sustaining our archival programs remains a major challenge. A key to our success so far has been the development of our programs within the multidisciplinary framework of a broadly based Faculty of Information Technology which includes information disciplines ranging from the engineering to the social sciences ends of the spectrum, the strong nexus between our research and teaching programs and our engagement with a wonderfully supportive professional community. Joanne Mihelcic, Monash University My academic qualifications include: a Bachelor of Education (University of Melbourne), Graduate Diploma in Media Studies (Deakin University), and Masters in Information Management Systems (Monash University). These studies have supported a varied and interesting career in: Health, Education, Media Arts and Information Management. As a second year PhD student at Monash University, my knowledge of these diverse disciplines, creates a unique space to learn and contribute in both theory and practice. The topic of my research is "The Storyline Project: Determining a therapeutic use for the personal archive in aged care and dementia". In 2010, Australia became the first country in the world to make dementia a National Health Priority. This is in recognition of the burden that dementia places on the families and community, health and residential care as well as associated productivity losses. (Keeping dementia front of mind: incidence and prevalence 2009-2050, 2009, p. 89) The Storyline Project is set in a context where there is no immediate cure, nor significant reprieve, for dementia in the near future. The project is important as it takes contemporary theories, practices and technology and applies them in an innovative way to improve the quality of life of those affected by dementia. I believe that the things I learn in this setting will also provide insight into the challenges confronting society in the meaning that we apply to our personal digital records. Achievements for 2010 included presenting at high profile conferences: "The National Dementia Research Forum and the Australian Association of Gerontology. The award of the Alzheimer’s Australia Postgraduate Research Scholarship in Dementia was a definite highlight of my first year. Angela Murillo, UNC Chapel Hill I am first-year doctoral student at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I am also an IMLS DigCCurr II Doctoral Fellow. I received my MLIS from the University of Iowa in May 200, where I was an IMLS Digital Libraries Research Fellow. During my masters program I also worked in Digital Library Services and Special Collections and University Archives. My bachelor’s degrees are in Geosciences, English, and Spanish. My research interests include information seeking behavior and collaboration of groups in various contexts including: scientists working in international/multilingual digital preservation and curation environments; reuse of scientific data; social and cultural aspects of underrepresented groups specifically in international/multilingual context; and how digital environments influence all of these groups. In my research I prefer to include a multilingual and international context. When I was working in Special Collections and Archives I typically worked with multilingual collections. I read/speak/write in English and Spanish and can read at a basic level most of the romance languages. Currently I am working on projects that investigate the use of social media in the research process of natural scientists, a study of appraisal of scientific data, a study of digital curation activities in LIS, and several other projects in regards to digital curation and preservation. Meung-Hoan Noh, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Bio not available at the moment. Erik Nordberg, Michigan Technological University I completed the MSLS and Graduate Archival Certificate at Wayne State University in 1992 and have been employed as a professional archivist for nearly twenty years. My work experience has been in small shops (some as a lone arranger) with all of the challenges and satisfactions which come with involvement in all aspects of a manuscripts program. My work at Michigan Technological University has also exposed me to the significant records maintained in nonprofessional settings such as small museums, public libraries, and municipal records offices. While it has been enjoyable to support training and collaboration with the volunteers and staff of these organizations, it is also distressing to realize the difficulties facing these document collections. Working with regional history collections, particularly those which document extractive industries such as mining, timber, and commercial fishing, has also highlighted important stories of American business and industry which are slowly passing from our landscape. As Brownfield funding helps to convert former factories, lumber mills, and steel refineries into shopping centers and housing tracts, archival records become increasingly critical in documenting these places, business enterprises, and the individuals attracted to these activities. I began doctoral studies in September 2008 in the program of Industrial Heritage and Archaeology at my home institution. Although this is not an LIS program, my research interests are firmly rooted in archival studies, particularly the history of manuscript collecting in the topical area of industrial and business collections. Coursework has included readings in the history of technology and world industry, as well as directed readings in the history of archival theory and practice (some with the input of graduate faculty in LIS programs outside my home state). My dissertation research will examine institutions which have undertaken significant collecting in business and industry. In addition to a case study approach, my methodologies include analysis of historical documents and in-depth interviews with archivists, curators, and historians about their work. Although not currently part of my plan, it is possible that I’ll include detailed ethnographic documentation as a collection moves from private corporate ownership to a public archival repository. This work is multidisciplinary in scope – addressing both the evolution of archival theory and practice as well as the development of scholarship in the fields of industrial history and the history of technology. My hope is that this research will help to inform archivists and historians in ensuring that adequate documentation is preserved about American industrial history. April Norris, University of Texas at Austin I am a second-year Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Preservation Doctoral Fellow in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. In 2006, I earned a M.S. in Information Studies and an Endorsement of Specialization in digital preservation from the University of Texas at Austin. Professionally, I have worked in records management in both Texas state government and higher education. As a researcher and educator, I want to help improve the likelihood and practicality of preserving our digital heritage. This goal requires investigating and addressing economic, legal, and social issues, in addition to the technological issues, associated with preserving digital materials. My motivation for this work comes from my professional experiences working with non-records professionals with significant record-keeping responsibilities. I believe the safeguarding of digital information requires a proactive, collaborative, and educational strategy that takes into account that a sizeable portion of the work required to identify, manage, and sustain digital information is carried out by people who do not identify as recordkeeping professionals. Because of this belief, I value and integrate multiple perspectives into my work, and seek to improve real-world conditions with rigorous and reasoned research. Richard Pearce-Moses, Clayton State University My archival career spans thirty years, and includes work with historic and fine art photographs, state and local government records, regional history, and Native American collections. Most recently, my work has focused on electronic records and digital publications. I have worked in academic libraries, government agencies, a museum, and a state historical organization. From 1999 through 2010, I worked for the Arizona State Library and Archives, serving as the Deputy Director for Technology and Information Resources from 2007 through 2010. My responsibilities included helping set records policies and regulations for state agencies. I was also responsible for designing information systems to manage the agency’s library, archival, and other collections, both physical and electronic. In that capacity, I served as the principal investigator for the Persistent Digital Archives and Library System (PeDALS) research project, funded by the Library of Congress, National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). In June 2010, my career took a new turn from practitioner to professor when I was hired as Director of the new Master of Archival Studies program at Clayton State University. The university is committed to building a program that prepares graduates to work as digital archivists. One of the most challenging tasks is developing courses to meet that vision. To meet that challenge, I am able to build on previous research in two areas. First, I explored a basic question about the practical knowledge digital archivists need through the New Skills for a Digital Era colloquium, sponsored by the National Archives and Records Administration, the Society of American Archivists, and the Arizona State Library and Archives. (The proceedings, co-authored with Susan Davis, are available on the Society’s website.) Second, the PeDALS project provided new insights into the practical skills necessary to work with large collections of digital records. The PeDALS project also led to a new area of interest: automated, rules-based processing of electronic records. (Preliminary results have been presented at the Society of American Archivists, and the final report will be submitted to the Library of Congress later this year.) I continue working on a new edition of the Glossary, collecting new terms and additional citations as literary warrant. In addition to my jobs, I have participated in a variety of professional activities. I served as member of Council and President of the Society of American Archivists, and I am the principal author of A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology (Society of American Archivists, 2005). I am a Fellow of the Society and a Certified Archivist. My undergraduate degree is in photojournalism from the University of Texas (1976). I have a Master of Arts in American Studies from the University of Texas (1987); my thesis explored the early work of photographer Alfred Stieglitz. I also have a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2001); my thesis looked at description and access in photographic archives. Liladhar Pendse, UCLA My background in history and Latin American and Slavic Studies is what initially drew me to the field of archival studies, but the challenges and opportunities of the digital era compelled me to pursue an academic and research career in this area. Working as a professional in librarian, the issues associated with the presentation of digital materials can challenge our notion of custodianship of these documents when a cross-continental interaction takes place through the process of virtual dialogue and mediation that transcends traditional bounds of nation-states. As a doctoral student, these same complex issues are what catch my attention. My most recent research has been in two primary directions: the notion of custodianship of colonial era periodicals of France and Portugal in the post-colonial setting and copyright in digital archives. The other direction is that of how does a creation of digital archive of these periodicals help researchers of sub-altern and post-colonial studies to answer various historical and socio-political questions. How does the data that is contained within these periodicals could enhance our understanding of the colonial modalities. Alexander Poole, UNC Chapel Hill A first year doctoral student at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Alex Poole hails from Connecticut and was graduated from the Loomis Chaffee School (cum laude), Williams College (Highest Honors, History), Brown University (MA, History), and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Beta Phi Mu). Thus a true beneficiary of the liberal arts and the relationships it nourishes between faculty and students, Mr. Poole honed his academic and research skills in information organization, information retrieval, communication, and both the design and the evaluation of information systems in the MLS program at Chapel Hill. Most important, he channeled these skills into archives and records management. Currently Mr. Poole works under the aegis of the IMLS DigCCurr II project. Overall, DigCCurr II “seeks to develop an international, doctoral-level curriculum and educational network in the management and preservation of digital materials across their life cycle. In this vein, “If cultural heritage, science, commerce, health, education, and government sectors are to have long-term access and reuse of meaningful and authentic digital resources, graduate education programs must produce PhD-level faculty in digital curation.” DigCCurr II focuses on preparing such educators. In service of DigCCurr objectives, moreover, Mr. Poole has pursued work in the digital archives area both as a student and as a prospective teacher; similarly, he has focused on long-term objectives with respect to digital archives. Furthermore, he has worked sedulously on several Institute modules. First, Mr. Poole has worked collaboratively on the natural sciences module; second, he has worked independently on a module that pivots around ethics and digitization; finally, another module on costing (again, a collaborative endeavor) remains in the pipeline. Prior to his doctoral work, Mr. Poole served as an intern at the New York Historical Society in variegated roles, notably as a researcher and editor and as a library and archives intern, as well as an employee at University of North Carolina. Mr. Poole’s research interests center on archives and records management. More specifically, he recently has worked on substantial projects involving archival ethics, particularly in the digital realm, and the problem of authenticity in digital archives. He intends to embark upon further work analyzing how scholars in the social sciences and humanities use or fail to use digital information and scholarship in their academic labors. On the whole, Mr. Poole operates as a scholar, researcher, and teacher under the guiding principle of steadfastly showing intellectual generosity. In this vein, he intends to thrive in the “metacommunity” of archival studies. As Helen Tibbo observes, “Society as we know it is dependent upon digital data”(2003, p. 42); with enthusiasm and acuity, Mr. Poole shall take up this call to action in the arena of archival studies. He will teach and he will lead. In short, in the field “There is no such thing as business as usual”(Cox, 2010, p. 26). Ricardo Punzalan, University of Michigan I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan’s School of Information (SI). My advisor is Professor and SI Associate Dean Margaret Hedstrom. Aside from pursuing a Ph.D. in Information, I am also enrolled in two graduate certificate programs: Science, Technology and Society (STS) and Museum Studies. Before coming to Michigan, I was an Assistant Professor of archival studies at the University of the Philippines. In that role, I helped to establish archives and heritage centers in remote regions of the Philippines, facilitated workshop and training on collections management and preservation, and curated exhibitions on diverse subjects. I look at archives not as an impartial collection of records, nor as a set of practices driven by neutral imperatives to preserve information or evidence. I relate archives with the exercise of power, the creation of knowledge, the production of official histories and narratives, and the politics of identity formation. I have been pursuing research that critically questions the place of archival records and the practices associated with recordkeeping and curation as legitimate sources or practices of information and knowledge. I have explored these themes in papers and articles published while a student at Michigan. In 2006, I published a piece in Archival Science entitled “The Archives of the New Possession: Spanish Colonial Records and the American Creation of a ‘National’ Archives for the Philippines.” This paper explores the entanglement of archives with colonialism, nationhood and the formation of national identity in the Philippines. In 2009, I published a book chapter discussing how a collection of medical records created and consumed under a colonial system of medical segregation functioned as an embodiment of community identity and memory within the context of commemoration on the island of Culion (a former segregation colony for people afflicted with leprosy). My pre-candidacy paper titled “Visualizing Leprosy: Archives, Stigma and Social Memory” discusses how archival images and visual depictions of leprosy function as both representations of medical knowledge and embodiment of stigma and segregation. I continue my interest in photographic archives with an article, co-written with SI Associate Professor Paul Conway, entitled “Fields of Vision: Toward a New Theory of Visual Literacy for Digitized Archival Photographs” (Archivaria, Spring 2011). In this article, we look at how archival users manifest digital visual literacy as they interact and interpret digitized images. My dissertation examines a group of heritage institutions that share in common a set of colonial ethnographic photographs. I explore the issues of selection and representation that these institutions face when virtual reunification is presented as a strategy to reassemble these shared archival images. I pursue this research by focusing on the ethical considerations that may arise in (re)presenting a collection of ethnographic images of indigenous Filipinos online. Specifically, I identify the contexts and ways in which a small group of curators, librarians and archivists make decisions that subsequently shape important historical knowledge about indigenous cultures. These decisions impact who can access knowledge about Philippine culture, aspects of knowledge production about the indigenous history, and the shaping of community identity and representation. This research employs data gathered in focus group discussions and interviews with museum curators, librarians, and archivists. With my dissertation research, I continue to pursue my interest in interrogating archives more critically, this time in terms of accounting for how image digitization, often regarded as a neutral technical process, impacts research practice and interpretation of visual records in profound ways. I pursue my research in the belief that the process of digitization is not merely a technical concern, but an issue that inspires us to rethink the changing nature of visual records, revisit our notions of authenticity and originality, and most importantly, widen our understanding of the power new media has in structuring interpretation, bestowing significance and rendering meaning. Sarah Ramdeen, UNC Chapel Hill Sarah Ramdeen is a third year doctoral student at the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is a the IT Coordinator for the ELIME-21 program, an IMLS sponsored grant. Her research interests include the information seeking behavior of geologists when seeking physical sample sets. Physical samples can not be digitized but often have digital materials associated with them. These hybrid collections have unique curation needs which can be better understood by investigating how users access and use these collections. Ms. Ramdeen holds a BS in Geology and a BA in Humanities from Florida State University (FSU). She also holds an MS in Library and Information Studies with a Certificate in Museum Studies from FSU. In the Fall of 2006 she was an intern in London at the Natural History Museum where she worked in the Micropalaeontology section imaging fossils and conducting research. Hea Lim Rhee, University of Pittsburgh Throughout my academic and professional life I have been committed to the archival and library fields in the United States and South Korea. Currently I am a doctoral candidate specializing in archives, preservation, and records management at the University of Pittsburgh. I received my Master of Science in Information (MSI) from the University of Michigan, specializing in archives and records management. Before coming to the United States, my undergraduate major was library and information science (LIS), and I continued to pursue my studies in this area in my master’s program at Ewha Womans University, specializing in East Asian archival studies. At the graduate level, I have participated in research projects related to archives and/or libraries. My major professional experience was two years as a librarian at the Central Library of Ewha Womans University. My primary task was to catalogue and classify East Asian (Korean, Chinese, and Japanese) medieval manuscripts and rare books using Korean Machine Readable Cataloging (KORMARC) and DDC 20. I also catalogued and classified Korean and German contemporary books using USMARC, KORMARC, and DDC 20. In addition, I worked for Korea Development Institute (KDI), a Korean government agency, and the C.V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University in New York as an intern. My research objectives are to contribute to archival studies and introduce the Eastern and Western archival communities to each other’s archival knowledge. I will conduct my research from an international perspective based on my knowledge of East Asian archival studies and North American archival studies. I intend my trans-Pacific research to provide novel and valuable archival knowledge to the worldwide archival community. My research will also cross the archival and library fields. Synergetically applying my knowledge of archival studies and LIS, I will conduct interdisciplinary research. I intend to pursue a university faculty position, and teaching will be a new and pleasant challenge in my professional life. I believe that teaching will enrich my students and myself. While I will facilitate students’ learning and keep them center stage in class, I will also learn how to be flexible in my interactions with students and their varied personalities and learning strategies. Every class will be a learning experience that will improve my teaching. My teaching style and course objectives will depend on the course, but I have two consistent main goals. The first is to motivate students toward a level of independence where they develop a desire to learn on their own. I believe that a teacher must encourage students to desire intellectual improvement. My other teaching goal is to present theories, concepts, and empirical material in a way that allows students to acquire both archival knowledge and practical skills. My most important message to them will be the significance of their role in society as information professionals. George Royer, University of Texas at Austin I have a B.A. in English from Birmingham-Southern College and J.D. from the University of Alabama School of Law. After practicing law for two years, I decided to return to school and am currently a first-year doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin School of Information. I am active in the both the Society of American and Archivists and the Association of Moving Image Archivists. I have substantial experience with both traditional, paper-based archives, as well as multi-media archives and digital archives. I have held positions at the Texas Archive of the Moving Image, the Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Archive, CNN, and I have worked on archival projects at the Harry Ransom Center, the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, and the University of Texas Videogame Archive. Most recently, I developed CNN’s International Video Consolidation and Preservation Initiative. My current areas of research interest are the long-term management of digital archives, the description and preservation of new media and born-digital objects, design, and the application of intellectual property law to the archival practice. I have a particular interest in developing research that will aid and encourage media production organizations to adopt more robust self-documentation and self-archiving policies. In my scholarly work, I adopt a blend of qualitative research and legal scholarship. It is my sincere belief that we, as a culture, must aggressively develop and refine our archival practices to document and preserve the products of our increasingly digital culture. Göran Samuelsson, Mid Sweden University Bio not available at the moment. Anthea Seles, University College London I received my bachelor's degree (honours) in Art History from Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) in 2001. I, then, went on to pursue my Master's degree in Archival Studies at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) and I completed the programme in 2003. After graduating, I was hired by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) as their Archivist/Records Manager/Privacy Coordinator and during my tenure in this position I oversaw not only the day to day operations of all three programmes but also the publication of the first history of the Archdiocese of Vancouver in 2008 and was involved in the Truth and Reconciliation Archives Advisory Council (2008-2010). I served as the President of the Archives Association of British Columbia (2004-2005) and was a member of the national adjudication committee for the National Archival Priorities Development Programme which allocates funding for archival projects across Canada. I have presented at several Association of Canadian Archivists Conferences, primarily on religious archives and privacy, as well as the impact of the Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission on religious archives. In 2009 I co-authored a module for the International Records Management Trust on electronic records preservation with emphasis on Trusted Digital Repositories and I have a paper to be published on the impact on Information Communication Technology and e-Government initiatives in the developing world on records reliability and integrity. In 2010, I was accepted into the Department of Information Studies programme, as an MPhil/PhD student, at the University College London (London, United Kingdom). My research goals are closely tied to my thesis topic which will examine the transferability of Western developed Trusted Digital Repository standards to a developing world context, with emphasis on the East African Community. In relation to my doctoral research I have carried out some initial scoping studies in Burundi and Rwanda, more specifically examining the role of records management in Information Communication Technology (ICT), e-Government, and access to information initiatives in the East African Community. At the end of my thesis I would like to have a scalable TDR model for implementation in developing nations. My teaching philosophy is that knowledge, perseverance and hard work are the keys to unlocking potential and making meaningful contributions to the greater archival community. Moreover, my work and research in developing nations has reinforced this conviction, given that archives in developing countries are often treated with suspicious or generally devalued by their parent institutions. However regardless of the latter archivists in these nations, with perseverance and hard work, have sustained their programmes and continue to try and innovate regardless of the limitations they face. Rebecka Sheffield, University of Toronto Bio not available at the moment. Donghee Sinn, SUNY Albany Bio not available at the moment. Heather Soyka, University of Pittsburgh I am a second-year doctoral student in archival studies at the University of Pittsburgh’s School of Information Sciences. My most recent outside position was that of archivist for the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library at Texas Tech University. I hold a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College with a concentration in archives and records management. My academic and professional background and interests have been broadly focused on issues of preservation and access. As a doctoral student, I have continued to explore relationships between power, ethics, and access as related to the study of archives. My research interests mainly rest in the area of power and archival advocacy, and in the area of digital humanities and digital preservation. Most recently, my research has explored intersections between war, archives, memory, and technology. As a teaching assistant and teaching fellow for the University of Pittsburg, I have had the opportunity to explore issues of access, advocacy, and sustainability in the classroom, and I look forward to gathering further momentum in these areas and others through research, scholarship, and experience. Joanna Steele, University of Michigan My approach to archives has been shaped by my background in political science, dependence on communities, hope in emergent knowledge, belief in boundary-pushing practices, and a deep resonance with narrative. I bring to archives a spectrum of work (and life) experience in public libraries, university libraries, NGOs, government, and the local communities I have inhabited. I will be entering my third year at the University of Michigan’s School of Information, where I am continuing to study archives through different lenses—drawing from critical archival studies, human rights theory, public policy, and museum studies—and grounded in fieldwork. My approach to learning is Freirian, intuitive, sensory, and experience-based. Currently I am working on uncovering the ways in which the politics of human rights is reflected in the archives, that is how differing concepts of ownership and authorship, language and classification, and digital infrastructure are translated through negotiation and contestation into “technologies of truth” that enact particular political futures. Sung Su Park, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies - major in Law, the Han-nam University, Korea - I get a master’s degree on Buddhism from the University of Dong-guk, korea - I got a master’s degree on Archival Science from the Han-Yang university in korea ‘A Study on the Establishment of Buddhist Temple Record Management System’ - Ph.d. candidate on Archival Science from Han kuk University of Foreign studies Since 2010. - Lecture on Archival Practice at graduate school of Han Kuk University of Foreign Studies, Department of Archival Science. Since 2011. - I work at Department of Central Archives, the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism Josh Sternfeld, National Endowment for the Humanities Bio not available at the moment. Tonia Sutherland, University of Pittsburgh I am a first-year doctoral student in LIS (Archives) at the University of Pittsburgh. I have a BA in theater, history and cultural studies from Hampshire College and I received my MLIS from Pitt in 2005. After earning my MLIS, I completed a Research Library Residency in Special Collections & University Archives and Reference Services at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Following my residency, I served as University Archivist for UMass Amherst until accepting a position as Records Management Coordinator at Bucknell University. My current research centers around safeguarding and documenting orality and other forms of what the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has identified as “intangible cultural heritage” such as oral traditions and expressions; performing arts; social practices, rituals and festive events; knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe; and traditional craftsmanship. This research forms the basis of my doctoral studies at Pitt, where I have begun to explore these themes from an archival – and international – perspective. Proscovia Svard, Mid Sweden University Proscovia Svard started her PhD Program in May 2009, at the Department of Information Technology and Media, Mid Sweden University in Härnösand, Sweden. She is working under the auspices of the Centre for Digital Information Management (CEDIF) at www.cedif.org. The Centre for Digital Information Management is a three year research and development program funded by the EU and is managed by the Mid Sweden University in cooperation with the county board of Västernorrland and the municipalities of Sundsvall and Härnösand. The project aims at developing models for effective and long-term information management within mainly public organizations but also within private organizations. She has worked as an Archivist, Research Administrator for the program on Post-Conflict Transition, the State and Civil Society and Project-Co-ordinator for a Nordic Documentation Project on the Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa www.liberationafrica.se at the Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, Sweden. She has a BA and MA in Archives and Information Science and a BSc in Media and Information Science. Her research interests are; Business Process Management, Enterprise Content Management, Enterprise Architecture, electronic information management, Long-term Preservation of Digital Information, Truth and Reconciliation Commissions and their documentation processes, the Role of Archives in enhancing Accountability and Transparency in government institutions, Information Access and the link to democracy and development. Helen Tibbo, UNC Chapel Hill Helen R. Tibbo, Alumni Distinguished Professor at the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), teaches in the areas of archives and records management, digital preservation and access, data management and curation, appraisal, and reference. She is currently the PI for the DigCCurrII project that is extending the digital curation curriculum developed in DigCCurr I to Ph.D. students and practitioners through research fellowships and a series of institutes. She is also the PI with co-PI Cal Lee on two additional IMLS projects. ESOPI-21 (Educating Stewards of Public Information in the 21st Century) and Closing the Digital Curation Gap (CDCG). ESOPI-21 is a collaboration with the UNC School of Government (SOG). By providing a dual degree program between SOG and SILS and relevant internship experiences, ESOPI is seeking to produce digital curators with policy development skills for local, county, state, and federal government agencies. CDCG is a partnership with IMLS, JISC, and the Digital Curation Center. CDCG is producing digital curation guidance materials for small- to medium-sized cultural heritage institutions. Dr. Tibbo was also PI for the IMLS-funded DigCCurr Project that is developed an International Digital Curation Curriculum for master’s level students (www.ils.unc.edu/digccurr) (2006-2009). In April of 2007 the DigCurr Conference attracted close to 300 participants with 100 speakers from 10 countries (www.ils.unc.edu/digcurr2007). She was also PI for two projects funded by the National Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) – Managing the Digital University Desktop project (www.ils.unc.edu/ digitaldesktop) (2002-2005) and the NHPRC Electronic Records Research Fellowship Program (www.ils.unc.edu/nhprcfellows) (2004-2008). Dr. Tibbo is also a co-PI with collaborators from the University of Michigan and the University of Toronto for a Mellon Foundation-funded project to develop standardized metrics for assessing use and user services for primary sources (http://www.si.umich.edu/ArchivalMetrics/Index.html). She was also a co-PI with Drs. Marchionini and Lee on the NSF-funded Preserving Video Objects and Context: A Demonstration Project and its continuation funded by NDIIPP of the Library of Congress. For the Primarily History project, she and Dr. Ian Anderson, University of Glasgow, continue to explore U.S. and European historians and their information-seeking behaviors with regard to primary source materials and technologies used in archives to support remote access. In 2004 Dr. Tibbo initiated efforts to build what has now become the Carolina Digital Repository at UNC-Chapel Hill. Dr. Tibbo is a Fellow of the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and is SAA’s current President. She is also on the Editorial Board of the Digital Curation Centre’s (DCC) Digital Curation Manual and the ISO Working Group that is developing an international standard for audit and certification of digital repositories. Dr. Tibbo has extensive experience planning and conducting practitioner-oriented education and dissemination events with “Digitization for Cultural Heritage Information Professionals,” 2002-2004; “NHPRC Electronic Records Research Fellowship Symposia,” 2004-2007; the DigCCurr2007 and 2009 conferences and the Summer Institutes for Digital Curation Professional for DigCCurr II. Frank Upward, Monash University Date of birth 2 Feb 1945 Qualifications Master of Arts (Melbourne University) 1975, (B.A. 1965) Graduate Diploma of Education, (Melbourne University) 1966 Doctor of Philosophy (Monash University) 2010 Monash University Appointments Principal Researcher, Centre for Organisational and Social Informatics, 2006- Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2006 Lecturer: May 1988 - 1996. Previous Appointments Senior Consultant, 1985-1989, Archival Systems Consultants Assistant Director, Australian Archives, Records and Data Management, 1984-5, Information Manager, Rural Water Commission, 1983-1984, Registrar, 1981 - 1982, Commonwealth Archives Office, Archivist (various positions) 1975 - 1981, Commonwealth Archives Office Teacher, Secondary School and Adult Education, 1967 - 1971 Discussion of some key points re my role at Monash. In relation to the Monash University Archives and Records Management program, in 1988 I carried out an initial consultancy for the Department of Librarianship which established the second year of a Master of Arts program specialising in archives, and prepared a successful application for course development funds which acquired $280,000 of seeding funds for the development of the first year of the course, also available also as a Graduate Diploma of Archives and Records Management. Over a period of eighteen years I taught within, co-ordinated and developed more than 20 subjects within various Undergraduate and Graduate Programs. Within a context of tighter budgets I specialised in web-based approaches to business activities within Internet communication environments. In 2006 I resigned and after a period of ill-health began a long delayed PhD thesis part-time. Research objectives I have reached the end of my academic career but want to spend some time in the next year or two promoting some understanding of the tools I have developed in recent years for archival practices including research practices. Research and teaching philosophy My own work has involved the writing of grounded theory and as such I have a corresponding interest in all forms of teaching that is grounded in student activities (i.e. activity based learning). Towards the end of my academic career I taught using only project based methods, I supported this approach by providing the students with conceptual tools for understanding the continuum of recorded information, which they then used in system design projects of their choosing. In relation to research my main interest has become the way disciplines develop structures and discourses that can strangle their creative evolution in the face of change and novelty, and the issue of recommencements from outside those structures and discourses. Michael Wartenbe, UCLA I am a 4th year doctoral student in the UCLA Dept. of Information Studies. I have a Master of Library Science Degree from Indiana University, Bloomington and a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy/Science, Technology and Society, from Butler University, Indianapolis. In addition I have professional experience in archives and special collections, public librarianship and digital libraries. Broadly, my research interest is in the politics of records and information systems. In particular I am concerned with the biopolitics of medical/health records, personal record keeping and and the interface between policy and technology. I will soon defend a dissertation proposal on the biopolitics of health information tentatively titled “Digital Patients: An Inquiry into the Politics of Electronic Health Records.” The research aims to understand how shifting regimes of data/record creation, management and circulation are constituted by and constitutive of socioeconomic and political formations at the levels of both subjectification and large-scale aggregation. Kelvin White, University of Oklahoma, Norman Kelvin L. White is an Assistant Professor at university of Oklahoma’s School of Library and Information Studies. He received a Master’s degree in Afro-American Studies and his Ph.D. in Information Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Using social justice as a framework, his work examines the interconnections between the social, cultural, and historical contexts in which recordkeeping activities exist and the implications they have for marginalized or underrepresented communities. Currently, his research examines issues of memory and remembering in Afro-Mexican communities in the Costa Chica (Mexico) and Native American communities of Oklahoma; critically interrogates contemporary archival theory and constructs; and develops ways in which education and pedagogy might contribute to cultural relevancy and sensitivity in archival practice and research. Eliot Wilczek, Simmons College I am a student in the LIS doctoral program in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at Simmons College. I have an MS in Library and Information Science with an archives concentration and a MA in History from Simmons. I served as an adjunct instructor at Simmons from 2005 through 2010, teaching archives and records management courses. My research interests center around recordkeeping behavior. I am interested in how an organization’s recordkeeping processes, rules, and expectations shape its measurement of phenomena it engages or observes. A possible dissertation topic for this area of research may be the U.S. CORDS program’s (Civilian Operations and Rural Development Support) process for documenting and measuring the extent of the South Vietnamese government’s control over its people and territory during the Vietnam War. In addition to having an academic dimension of adding to the recordkeeping behavior and evaluation literature, this research may be able to make a policy contribution to understanding the complexity of measuring and evaluating contemporary counterinsurgency conflicts and other areas of political, social, and economic interest such as education and health care. Since 1996 I have worked as an archivist and records manager at higher education institutions, serving, since 2002, as the University Records Manager at Tufts University. In this role I provide departments with recordkeeping advice, work with appropriate stakeholders to develop records policies, and contribute to institution-wide information management efforts, such as data privacy compliance and faculty information management. I served as a co-principal investigator on an NHPRC electronic records research project, Fedora and the Preservation of University Records. Core deliverables from this project included requirements for trustworthy recordkeeping and preservation systems and steps for trustworthy ingest and maintain processes. I am currently the project director of an NHPRC electronic records program expansion grant that is developing encoded submission agreements that support archival accessioning and creating archival description of records creators at Tufts University. The focus of my efforts in the PhD program is to crystallize my research interests, my work as a practicing records manager and archivist, and my teaching experience as an instructor to enable me to make contributions to the academic literature, shape records and information-related policy, and participate directly in the education of new members of the archives and records management profession. Mirna Willer, University of Zadar Mirna Willer has been Associate Professor at the University of Zadar, Croatia since 2007, and teaches courses in theory and practice of information organisation at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. She worked from 1980 to 2007 as systems librarian, standards officer and senior researcher at the National and University Library in Zagreb, Croatia, responsible for implementing the UNIMARC bibliographic and authority formats on the library’s library management software, and for incorporating national cataloguing rules into the formats. Among other international body memberships, she was a standing member of the IFLA Permanent UNIMARC Committee from its establishment in 1991 until 2005 (chair of Committee from 1997 to 2005), since then she has been its consultant and honorary member. She was also a member of the IFLA Working Group on FRANAR, the Working Group responsible for the conceptual model FRAD, as well as the ISBD Review Group, and ISBD Future Directions Working Group. Currently, she is chair of the ISBD/XML Study Group. She was a chair of the Advisory Task Group of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (1999-2007) responsible for the development of the Heritage of Printed Book Database. In 1997, in the capacity of a Chair of the Professional Board of the Croatian Library Association she promoted the idea of investigating into the possibility of co-operation between libraries, archives and museums. The seminar Archives, Libraries, Museums: Possibilities of Co-operation within the Environment of the Global Information Infrastructure dealt with the vision of this idea, theoretical framework from the aspect of library and information sciences, and ALM’s standards aiming at the creation of the environment for the “interoperability of content”. The seminars are now being organized annually. She wrote a book on UNIMARC in Theory and Practice, a chapter on authority control, about 100 articles (professional and research papers, reviews, etc.), translated several books in the field of UBC, among them UNIMARC Manual: Bibliographic Format, and edited the 3rd edition of UNIMARC Manual: Authorities Format. She edited 13 conference proceedings, was editor-in-chief of the series in which 16 editions of translations of IFLA's standards and guidelines were published. She teaches undergraduate courses Information Organization I & II, Metadata and Identifiers, Old and Rare Books Cataloguing, and Digital Web Archives, graduate course Theory and Practice of Information Organization, and postgraduate courses on Theory of Information Organization with emphasis on theory of cataloguing, bibliographic and authority conceptual models, and the introduction to linked data and bibliographic standards in the semantic web. Research and professional interests: History and theory of alphabetical name-title catalogues, cataloguing rules, conceptual models of bibliographic and authority data, authority control, information organization with special interest in old books & web resources, bibliographic standards, metadata and identifiers, digital web archives (repositories), MARC formats and metadata schemes, information systems (LIS), interoperability, convergence of cultural institutions – technological aspects & standards, IFLA standards (ISBD) in semantic web (RDF). She received Fulbright Scholarship at the UCLA, Graduate School of Library and Information Sciences under the mentorship of Professor Elaine Svenonius (Nov. 1991 – Feb. 1992). Kathy Wisser, Simmons College Bio not available at the moment. Vivian Wong, UCLA I am a filmmaker by training and received my MFA in Directing from the UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television. Several years ago, I made a film that changed my life and brought me to the PhD program in Information Studies at UCLA. The film was a documentary about my grandmother from Malaysia entitled, “Homecoming”. While making this film, I experienced the power of visual images to hold history and transfer memory—a picture really is worth a thousand words and every picture does tell a story. Moreover, I came to believe in the value and significance of one’s personal archive to validate one’s identity and make visible one’s experience; and in the importance of these archives as part of a greater whole to document, preserve, and display the histories of the communities that one belongs. As my film work explores personal histories, memories, and identities, my work in Archival studies engages those same ideas, but in the broader context of collective histories, memories, and experiences that are reconfigured in diasporas. My research interests include the documentation, collection, preservation, and dissemination of historical and cultural records in Asian American communities and Asian diasporic community archives. My work explores theories of memory in im/migrant and diasporic narratives and the ways those experiences are embodied and performed in the practices of local, transnational, and globalize communities, as well as circulated across time and space with the mediation of digital technologies. My newest film, “A Community of Friends”, is a documentary about a group of community volunteers who mobilized the Chinese American community in Los Angeles to get a public library in Chinatown. My films have screened internationally in film festivals, academic conferences, and on public television. Prior to returning to graduate school, I was the Assistant Director of the Center for EthnoCommunications at the UCLA Asian American Studies Center where I developed, produced, and promoted media about and by Asian Americans and their communities. I also taught classes in community media, video ethnography, and documentary filmmaking at the UCLA Department of Asian American Studies I am planning to continue my career in academia. I find teaching very rewarding and would like to teach in higher education for the foreseeable future. In addition, I want to continue as a filmmaker and incorporate documentary filmmaking, community media-making, and visual ethnography in my methodological, pedagogical, and research practices in Archival studies. Moreover, and more significantly, I also want to build upon the interest that was sparked working with my own family’s record collection to expand my scholarship to emphasize the preservation of records in diverse communities. I originally hail from the East Coast of the United States, growing up in Maryland and graduating from college in Pennsylvania where I majored in East Asian Studies. Peter Wosh, New York University Bio not available at the moment. Beth Yakel, University of Michigan I am an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information and y area of archival research is access and use. I have long been fascinated by both he recordkeeping systems and users and the interaction between these two elements an understanding documentation and (re) creating a coherent narrative. As a result I have studied everything from MARC adoption and EAD usability to diverse groups of users engaged in different types of research from term papers to genealogy. Most recently I have been investigating user – based evaluation tools for archives and how archives can effectively and accurately get feedback from users. This work is funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. I am also involved in an investigation of the identification of significant properties and the creation of DIPS (dissemination information packages) in three communities (social scientists, zoologists, and archaeologists) funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. My goal is to make archives more accessible to researchers, not only technically but also intellectually so that they can create meaning from the records. Ayoung Yoon, UNC Chapel Hill I am a first-year doctoral student in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I have an MSI from the School of Information at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, specializing in both archives and records management & preservation of information, along with a BA in history from Ewha Womans University, South Korea. My original interests in archival and information studies were from this historical context, but later my interests became broader through my work experience in various places including museums, archives, and IT companies. My broad research interests in digital curation are from the three key terms digital preservation, access, and users of digital archives. I am interested in how archives are made more accessible by virtue of the Internet. More specifically, I am interested in exploring how digital archives are represented on the Web, how users interact with digital archives, how the Web mitigates traditional interactions and mediations between archivists and users, and how the impact of digital archives on users is different from the impact of traditional archives. In addition, I am also very interested in curating user-generated Web content as archives recently began efforts to collect and preserve various Web resources for different purposes, not only content created by governments or institutions, but also the content created by individuals including social media. Eunha (Anna) Youn, UCLA Anna Youn earned an MLIS from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2003, and a PhD in Information Studies from the University of California-Los Angeles in 2011. She also holds a MA in history from the Sogang University in 2002. Her research focuses on culture, society and archival technology, and especially in the effects of cultural elements on the construction of an archival system. For her dissertation, Standardization of Archival Description in Korea: Examining the Understanding, Adoption, and Implementation of ISAD(G), she conducted six months of field research and showed that the standardization of archival description is localized in and feeds off previous institutional practices, social/cultural norms, identities, and values. She plans to continue her research by studying the effects of culture on archival technology. Jane Zhang, Catholic University of America Jane Zhang earned her PhD in Library and Information Science (Archival Concentration) from Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College in 2010 and joined the faculty of School of Library and Information Science, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC in January, 2011. Her teaching and research areas include archival theory and practice, history of records and recordkeeping, electronic records management, and digital archival representation. Jane graduated from the joint master program of Master of Archival Studies and Master of Library and Information Studies, School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies, University of British Columbia in 2001. She worked as a records and archival professional in Canada and the United States for more than nine years and taught as an adjunct faculty at Simmons College before assuming her current position as an assistant professor at Catholic University. Hong Zhang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign I am a PhD candidate in Graduate School of Library and Information Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign expecting to graduate in Aug. 2011. My research interests include personal information organization and retrieval, personal information management, digital libraries and metadata, knowledge organization, human computer interaction, and personal digital archiving. The multiple perspectives in my research are consistent with my view of the closely connected stages in the whole lifecycle in an information system: acquisition, organization, maintenance, access and retrieval, use, sharing and distribution, archiving and preservation. They were also out of my interest in looking at any information system from the three different perspectives of people, system, and information. Coming from research areas that are not directly related to archive, I see personal digital archiving a promising research area that expands the vision of information organization and retrieval to the whole lifecycle of information items in a personal information management system, which would contribute not only to archive research and practice, but also to other research areas such as information organization, personal information management and knowledge management. |
Contact the Project Coordinator:aeri [at] gseis.ucla.edu